Under unusual circumstances SLP copies are incorrectly expired.

Article: 100047236
Last Published: 2020-03-20
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Appliances, NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


Under unusual circumstances SLP copies are incorrectly expired.

Error Message

The following log entries can be observed from the media server's bpdm log and the master server's bpdbm log:

From the orphaned bpdm process logged on the media server, we see it talking to the master and receiving: 226 - entity already exists - message.
10:25:51.434 [8761] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 26
10:25:51.440 [8761] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
10:25:51.459 [8761] <2> isDONE: reply DONE 226 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><StatusMsgDoc><StatusMsg NBUStatus="226" Severity="2" VXULoid="271" VXULtid="226"><MsgString>the entity already exists</MsgString></StatusMsg></StatusMsgDoc>
10:25:51.459 [8761] <2> isDONE: reply DONE 226
10:25:51.459 [8761] <2> db_end: no DONE from db_getreply(): the entity already exists

The 226 is unexpected for bpdm, handling the exception it asks bpdbm to to remove the backup:
10:25:51.900 [8761] <2> logconnections: PROXY CONNECT FROM TO fd = 26
10:25:51.900 [8761] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 26
10:25:51.910 [8761] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply

The master server's bpdbm process handles a Q_IMAGE_DELETE_BACKUPID call, it cleans up the catalog, and spawns a nbdelete:

10:25:51.906 [21198] <2> logconnections: BPDBM ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
10:25:51.906 [21198] <2> logconnections: PROXY ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10 REMOTE PROXY PID 11602 PEER PID 8761 bpdm
10:25:51.909 [21198] <2> db_valid_master_server: nbmedia.company.com is a valid media server
10:25:51.909 [21198] <4> bpdbm: VERBOSE = 5
10:25:51.912 [21198] <2> db_logimagerec: backup id client.company.com_1575560856
10:25:51.912 [21198] <2> db_logimagerec: primary copy 2
10:25:51.912 [21198] <2> image_db: Q_IMAGE_DELETE_BACKUPID
10:25:51.921 [21198] <2> ImageDeleteBackupId::executeQuery: processing copy 2 of image client client.company.com, backup_time 1575560856
10:25:51.964 [21198] <4> ImageDeleteBackupId::executeQuery: successfully modified backupid client.company.com_1575560856
10:25:51.965 [21198] <2> OVsystemEX: Running "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdelete" "-backup_id" "client.company.com_1575560856"
10:25:51.966 [21198] <2> OVsystemEX: Spawned PID 23949
10:25:52.868 [21198] <2> db_sendSTATUS: Status:0
10:25:52.868 [21198] <2> process_request: request complete: exit status 0  ; query type: 161

The bpdm process continues to log:
10:25:52.871 [8761] <2> isDONE: reply DONE 0
10:25:52.871 [8761] <16> socksend: failed writing to socket: Broken pipe (32) RV=24
10:25:52.871 [8761] <16> socksend: failed to send this: <EXIT STATUS 174 >
10:25:52.871 [8761] <2> main: Could not send EXIT status to bpduplicate on socket. Error = 32: Broken pipe


During SLP duplication the bpduplicate process can loose connection with its child bpdm process.  If that happens, the first duplication attempt will fail.  SLP duplications are resilient to failures and will retry until all specified copies have been created.  If the duplication retry occurs and completes promptly, the orphaned bpdm process can expire the duplicate.

After bpdm tries to update its disconnected bpduplicate parent process the orphaned bpdm process attempts to add meta-data for the duplicate copy the SLP was asking to be created.  The bpdbm daemon responds that the copy already exists, and in response to that, the orphaned bpdm will request that the image be deleted.


There are no plans to address this issue by way of a patch or hotfix in the current or previous versions of the software at the present time. However, this issue is currently scheduled to be addressed in the next major revision of the product. Please note that Veritas Technologies LLC reserves the right to remove any fix from the targeted release if it does not pass quality assurance tests.  Veritas’ plans are subject to change, and any action taken by you based on the above information or your reliance upon the above information is made at your own risk.


Etrack : 3990531

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