Installing Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux and UNIX Servers (RALUS) on Ubuntu system fails with Error V-225-254

Article: 100046616
Last Published: 2025-02-26
Ratings: 2 7
Product(s): Backup Exec


Installing Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux and UNIX Servers (RALUS) on Ubuntu system fails with Error V-225-254

Error Message

VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::pre_package_patch_install
VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::package_base_installer
VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::install_native_package
VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_for_existing_package
VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::get_instpkgvers
VxIF::Info:: /bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}' VRTSralus 2> /dev/null
VxIF::Info:: Exiting CPICommon::check_for_existing_package
VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::get_instpkgvers
VxIF::Info:: /bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}' VRTSralus 2> /dev/null
VxIF::Info:: VRTSralus successfully added to thetrentstory
VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::package_base_installer
VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::post_package_patch_install
VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::package_base_installer
VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::cleanup_temporary_directory
VxIF::Info:: All packages for RALUS successfully installed on thetrentstory.
VxIF::Info:: Exiting CPICommon::install_product_packages
VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_title
VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_version
VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::post_product_install
VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_do_init_scripts
VxIF::Info:: Default init script path set to: /etc/init.d
VxIF::Info:: chmod VRTSralus.init via: chmod 750 /opt/VRTSralus/bin/VRTSralus.init.
VxIF::Info:: Copying /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init via: cp /opt/VRTSralus/bin/VRTSralus.init /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init.
VxIF::Error:: ERROR (V-225-254): Copying new initialization scripts Failed.
VxIF::Info:: Default RC script path set to: /etc
VxIF::Error:: ERROR (V-225-254): Creating RALUS linkedname in rc2.d Failed.
VxIF::Error:: ERROR (V-225-254): Creating RALUS linkedname in rc3.d Failed.
VxIF::Error:: ERROR (V-225-254): Creating RALUS linkedname in rc5.d Failed.
VxIF::Info:: For Debian, update-rc.d VRTSralus.init via: update-rc.d VRTSralus.init defaults


The RALUS installer tries to use Red-hat Package Manager (RPM) instead of Debian Package (DPKG) if the /etc/issue file is changed to any non default value which does not start with word 'Ubuntu followed by a <space>' and fails the installation. 

Note: The default value of /etc/issue is "Ubuntu<space><Version> \n \l"



Edit the /etc/issue file to update it with the default value. 
Also, uninstall any previous RALUS Installation traces and install RALUS agent which should now complete successfully.

Examples of default entries in /etc/issue file (depending on version):
⦁    Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS \n \l
⦁    Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l
⦁    debian 5.8.4 \n \l

Example for Debian 5.8.4:

Replace the following line in the issue file
AlienVault USM 5.8.4 \n \l
debian 5.8.4 \n \l 

Note: Ubuntu 14.04
Review RALUS Agent install Response file located in /var/tmp/vxif

If the following errors below are observed, please update the dpkg Debian Package Manager.

Ralus Agent response log:
dpkg-deb: error: archive '/var/tmp/vxif/RALUS/VRTSralus/VRTSralus-23.0.1250-0.x86_64.deb' has premature member 'control.tar.xz' before 'control.tar.gz', giving up
dpkg: error processing archive /var/tmp/vxif/RALUS/VRTSralus/VRTSralus-23.0.1250-0.x86_64.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

Update the dpkg Package Manager:

Clean the package manager cache:
sudo apt-get clean
Update the package list:
sudo apt-get update
Install the latest version of dpkg:
sudo apt-get install dpkg


Upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04.06 or Greater.

There are currently no plans to address this issue by way of a patch or hotfix in the current or previous versions of the software at the present time. While this issue may be resolved in a future major revision of the software at a later time, it is not currently scheduled for any release.  If you feel this issue has a direct business impact for you and your continued use of the product, please contact your Veritas Sales representative or the Veritas Sales group to discuss these concerns.


Etrack : 3983297

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