How to configure and run MSDP / Cloud Catalyst Deduplication Pool Catalog backup policy

Article: 100046592
Last Published: 2020-04-30
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Product(s): Appliances


When an appliance is configured with the MSDP or Cloud Catalyst role, a disaster recovery policy is created on the master server for the purpose of protecting the MSDP catalog.  The name format for the disaster recovery policy is SYMC_NBA_Dedupe_Catalog_<servername>.  This policy will be created in an inactive state, the following steps are required to enable the policy, and create the initial MSDP catalog backup.

  1. In Policies > All Policies right click the DR (Disaster Recovery) policy to be modified and select Change.

  2. Choose a storage unit that is not on this server

  3. Select Go into effect at: to enable the policy.

  4. Check schedules exist for the policy, note that the default retention is 2 weeks.
  5. Check Client matches policy server name

  6. Policy Backup Selections do not need to be changed

  7. Click OK to commit your changes
  8. Right click the policy in All Policies, select Manual Backup

  9. Select Full and Click OK

  10. Backup Job Status may be viewed in Activity Monitor

Backup selections may vary depending on the roles configures and the operating system. More information can be found in the Deduplication Guide topic below:

About the MSDP catalog backup policy:


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