Install, upgrade, update, uninstall process of System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 / 4 or later hangs.

Article: 100046027
Last Published: 2024-09-03
Ratings: 2 5
Product(s): System Recovery


Install, upgrade, update or uninstall process of System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 / 4 or later hangs. The "Cancel" button does not also function.

While installing, upgrading or uninstalling System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 / 4 or later , the install process hangs while registering module for VproObj.dll. (See Figure 1)
While updating using the Service Pack 3 or Service Pack 4 patch file, the update process hangs when "Time remaining: 0 seconds" appears. (See Figure 2)


Error Message

Figure 1 - Install or Ugrade process of System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 / 4 or later

Figure 2 - Update process of System Recovery 18 SP3/SP4 or 21.1/21.2/21.3


When DNS servers for IPv4 are not set on the machine, this issue occurs because the registration for dll files does not complete. Or even if DNS servers are set, a network cable is not connected.


This issue has been resolved in Veritas System Recovery 23.3.


If you experience either Figure 1 or Figure 2, please cancel by the below steps.

0. Connect a network cable, and connect to a network hub or switch.

1. Press "Cancel". (See Figure 3)

Figure 3

2. Open Task manager.

3. Find msiexec.exe which username is SYSTEM and memory usage is the lowest one in all msiexec.exe. (See Figure 4)

Figure 4

4. Right-click the msiexec.exe and select [End task].

5. Install or update process will start rolling back as soon as the msiexec.exe terminates, and the cancel operation completes.

6. Try to install or update again after setting a preferred DNS server for IPv4 as on the network configuration. (See Figure 5)

Warning: This action should only be done by an experienced administrator. As changing these values on Domain Controllers, DNS servers or any software application servers may prevent the operating system or installed software applications like AD, DNS, any software application, etc. from functioning properly.

NOTE: step 6 is a temporary measure in order for the installation to complete successfully. The DNS settings can be removed after installation has completed.

Figure 5



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