For Veritas Resiliency Platform, there are instances wherein the VIB for VMware may fail to get uninstalled when attempted from VRP Console. In such cases, a manual cleanup of VIB is needs to be performed directly from the Vsphere console.
Prerequisite to uninstall VIB:
To uninstall the VRP Data Mover VIB, The ESX needs to be put in maintenance mode. This is VMWare requirement to uninstall/upgrade a VIB. If DRS is enabled on the ESX cluster the user can directly go for VIB uninstallation as mentioned below.
This process will cause replication issues for any Resiliency Groups (RGs) that are not deleted before performing these steps. As such, it is recommended to recreate all RGs when following this procedure.
Note: As DRS is enabled and users trigger the uninstallation of VIB by the below steps, then during uninstallation, VMWare puts each ESXi one by one in maintenance mode by moving the VMs to other ESXi. The other ESXi in cluster should have enough capacity to hold VM(s) of the ESXi going in maintenance mode.
If DRS is not enabled then users need to manually bring all VM(s) down and put ESXi in maintenance mode before proceeding with the uninstallation as mentioned below.
Make sure to delete all RG and clean up any CG on gateway.
Make sure the vtstap filter is not attached to any VM. If it is left attached even after uconfiguring DR, then detach it using the following steps:
a) To find VM(s) which has the vtstap policy attached to it.
b) Click Home on Vcenter UI -> click Policies and Profiles-> VM Storage policies-> vtstap_<version>->Monitor
c). Click on it, then on the right side will be the list of VMs to which this policy is attached.
To detach policy perform the following steps
a) Right click on VM then -> go to VM Policies->Edit VM storage policies
b) Change the policy from vtstap to DATASTORE DEFAULT for each disk for the VM.
4) Make sure Infrastructure Management Server (IMS) is reachable from the Vcenter.
How to check the status of filter on ESXi
esxcli software vib list | grep vtstap
How to check from vCenter if VIB Is installed on an esx
At vCenter level : Login to vCenter->Cluster->Esx host->Configure>Security Profile:
It should list vtstap
How to manually remove the VIB (vtstap iofilter driver) from ESXi
- Place the host in Maintenance Mode
- Enable SSH service and connect to the host via SSH
- Run the below command to confirm vtstap is installed.
o esxcli software vib list | grep vtstap
- Run the following command to uninstall the VIB
o esxcli software vib remove --vibname=vtstap
- Reboot the host
- When the host is back up, list software again to ensure the VIB is not loaded
o esxcli software vib list | grep vtstap
- Exit Maintenance Mode
- Repeat steps 1-7 on all ESXi hosts in the cluster.
How to get MOID which will be used to uninstall IOFilter
First get MOID
Login to vCenter mob using : https://<vcenterserver>/mob
3) Click on Content
4) Click on group
5) Click on data center
6) Click on hostFolder :
7) MOID is one listed against the cluster: for e.g.: domain-c24397 for MTVCluster1
How to uninstall IOfilter using MOID
Open IO Filter manager using MOID
https://< vcenterserver>/mob/?moid=IoFilterManager
3) To check the installed IO filter invoke QueryIoFilterInfo
4) Change the MOID between ComputeResource and compRes in VALUE and click Invoke Method
**Above is an example of domain-c7**
5) Note the value of the id field.
6) To un-install, invoke UninstallIoFilter_Task
7) To run these, replace MOID and filterId : filterId is the id returned by QueryIoFilterInfo (for vtstap)
**Above is an example of domain-c7**
How to check acceptance level: