Updated nbdeployutil for NetBackup 8.1.2

Article: 100044310
Last Published: 2019-01-07
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


  • This nbdeployutil Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) contains a fix for the NetBackup Web Management Console web service. During the EEB installation, the web services are shut down and the services restart automatically after the installation is complete.

Ensure that there are no backup or restore jobs running when you install this EEB.

  • If you uninstall this EEB, then the incremental runs of nbdeployutil will start afresh but will not have any impact on manual runs of nbdeployutil.


This update to the nbdeployutil for NetBackup 8.1.2 contains the fixes for the following issues:

Issue Resolution
Usage data is not reported or updated on the NetBackup web user interface or Smart Meter.

If there are multiple policies of the same type are configured for a client, then nbdeployutil tries to identify the overlap between the policies. During the overlap detection phase, nbdeployutil might require high memory and can stop processing and does not generate or update the usage file.

For more information, refer to:


Issue with the incremental run of nbdeployutil

Scheduled incremental runs of nbdeployutil are missed due to an error in the day and time calculations.

At midnight local time, bprd daemon triggers nbdeployutil for scheduled incremental runs. Sometimes it is observed that the trigger is delayed by a few minutes. To account for such a delay and to not impact scheduled runs, a time buffer of 5 minutes is now used by default.

If required, you can configure the time buffer using the following setting in nbdeployutilconfig.txt:


Where a minimum value can be 5 minutes and a maximum value is 720 minutes.

For more information about configuration settings, refer to:

Scheduling capacity licensing reports

A sample of an nbdeployutilconfig.txtfile:

MASTER_SERVERS=<server names>
PARENTDIR=<folder name with path>

Issue with the /tmp folder while generating the licensing report in incremental mode.

nbdeployutil uses the /tmp folder to store the intermediate files and sometimes because of large files, the /tmp folder might grow in size.

You can now configure a custom path for the /tmp folder.
Update the nbdeployutilconfig.txt file and add the following setting:


For more information, refer to:

Scheduling capacity licensing reports

A sample of an nbdeployutilconfig.txtfile:

MASTER_SERVERS=<server names>
PARENTDIR=<folder name with path>

Issue observed when one NetBackup master server is configured to generate capacity usage for other master servers.

An issue was observed while adding a NetBackup master server as a trusted master server to NetBackup 8..1.2 master server. The fix now lets NetBackup 8.1.2 generate reports using nbdeployutil for other configured master servers.

An issue is observed when a NetBackup master server gathers the usage data of a NetBackup 8.1.2 master server.

The fix now lets you to generate reports correctly for NetBackup 8.1.2 master using nbdeployutil from other configured or trusted master server.

Incorrect capacity usage for Oracle policy type with NetBackup client 8.1 or later. In a few scenarios, the capacity usage is incorrectly reported and can be higher than actual.
After upgrading NetBackup master to version 8.1.2, the incremental reports of nbdeployutil and the usage data in Veritas Smart Meter might incorrect for the VMWare policy types. This issue is observed after the NetBackup master server upgrades to 8.1.2 in the following scenarios:
  • NetBackup client or the backup host version remains as 8.0 or earlier.
  • NetBackup client or the backup host version is upgraded to 8.1 or later along with the master server upgrade.
The issue is not observed in the following scenarios: 
  • If the NetBackup client or the backup host version was 8.1 or later before the master server upgrades to 8.1.2.
  • 90 days after the master server upgrade to 8.1.2.
  • A new installation of NetBackup.
  • Any manual run of nbdeployutil.


Download the Emergency Engineering Binary from the following hotfix link:


If this link does not work the fix is now available in the Download Center as “NetBackup 8.1.2 Hotfix - nbdeployutil not generating Smart Meter usage file (Etrack 3983309)”


Etrack : 3983309 Etrack : 3967233

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