After install or upgrade of OpsCenter to version 8.1.2, the java0.log file begins to fill up the file system

Article: 100044146
Last Published: 2019-06-18
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


After install or upgrade of OpsCenter to version 8.1.2, the java0.log file continues to grow in size, until it fills up the file system.

The location of the java0.log file:

  • Linux: /root/java0.log
  • Windows: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\java0.log


A fix for the issue described in this article is scheduled to be included in the following release of OpsCenter:

    NetBackup OpsCenter 8.2

Workaround for OpsCenter version 8.1.2:

  1. Browse to the location of the log.conf file:
    • Linux: /opt/SYMCOpsCenterServer/config/log.conf
    • Windows: install_path\OpsCenter\server\config\log.conf
  2. Edit the log.conf file and add the following two lines:
  3. For the changes to take effect, restart OpsCenter services using the following commands:
    • Linux:
      To Stop Services: /opt/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ stop
      To Start Services: /opt/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ start
    • Windows:
      To Stop Services: install_path\OpsCenter\server\bin\opsadmin.bat stop
      To Start Services: install_path\OpsCenter\server\bin\opsadmin.bat start


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