Enterprise Vault Mailbox Archiving tasks fail during startup with event ID 3220 and event ID 2256

Article: 100041841
Last Published: 2024-01-26
Ratings: 2 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


The Enterprise Vault Mailbox Archiving Task fails to start with Event ID: 3220 and Event ID: 2256


Error Message

The Event ID: 3220 stating 'Could not detect the MSMQ service' and Event ID: 2256 'The Archiving Task <name of the task> could not be started due to startup errors' will be logged in the Enterprise Vault Event Viewer log.







This issue can occur when the ArchivingRetrievalTask and RetrievalTask tables in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory Database have the incorrect server name values present in the "MessageQueue" column.


Message Queue




Note: Before making any changes in SQL, ensure a database backup is obtained and Enterprise Vault is placed in backup mode.

Log into the SQL Management Studio and select the correct instance of SQL that contains the Enterprise Vault Directory Database.

Expand Databases - EnterpriseVaultDirectory - Tables ArchivingRetrievalTask.

Right click and select Edit top 200 rows.

Ensure that the Message Queue field contains the correct server hosts name.

Note: Perform the same steps for the Enterprise Vault Directory - RetrievalTask table.


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