Server rebooted with Kernel_Abend message in syslog.

Article: 100041435
Last Published: 2018-03-13
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


Server Crash is observed with Kernel_abend message with Veritas Infoscale Enterprise 7.1 on AIX 7.2TL1SP2

Error Message


No Messages from Engine log of VCS.


Syslog show below information...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------LABEL:          KERNEL_ABENDIDENTIFIER:     0975DD6CDate/Time:       Tue Dec 19 07:49:22 2017Sequence Number: 10919Machine Id:      XXXXXXXXXXXNode Id:         XXXXXXXXXXXClass:           SType:            PERMWPAR:            GlobalResource Name:   ABENDDescriptionKERNEL ABNORMALLY TERMINATEDProbable CausesSOFTWARE PROGRAMFailure CausesSOFTWARE PROGRAM        Recommended Actions        OBTAIN DUMP        CONTACT APPROPRIATE SERVICE REPRESENTATIVEDetail DataABEND CODEEEEE 0000 9676 A093 ABEND DETAILF000 0000 2FFC FF00 ABEND CALLER0000 0000 0004 B76C MACHINE STATE REGISTER, MSR8000 0000 0002 1032 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


No Veritas Stack information Found in crashdump.


Advised customer to open a case with OS Vendor.

OS Vendor confirmed that the root cause for the issue is U block corruption. The U-block area of the process which is getting created is in corrupted state, which resulted in system crash while operating on the process address space during exec.

This issue can be worked around by tuning the following tunable:

# vmo -r -o vmm_mpsize_support=2

This issue can be fixed by applying the APAR IV99101.

Note :  Do not Ask Customer to Apply the APAR without confirmation with IBM Support.

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