How to monitor NetBackup alerts using HP OpenView Network Node Manager

Article: 100041202
Last Published: 2017-11-27
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


The zip file contains the following contents:

  • Managing NetBackup alerts using HP OpenView.pdf
  • nom_trapd.conf


Managing NetBackup alerts using HP OpenView.pdf
This document describes how to download and use the nom_trapd.conf file to monitor and manage NetBackup alerts using HP OpenView Network Node Manager 7.50 or 7.51. By using the instructions in this document, it is possible to customize the SNMP trap view on HP OpenView Network Node Manager.


The nom_trapd.conf file can be used to monitor and manage NetBackup alerts using HP OpenView Network Node Manager 7.50 or 7.51 (NNM). Currently, NetBackup Operations Manager (NOM), a management solution shipped with NetBackup, can generate and monitor NetBackup alerts. By using nom_trapd.conf file and configuring NNM and NOM, NNM can receive the SNMP traps that have been configured in NOM. As a result, NNM can be used for the centralized management of NetBackup alerts.


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