A NetBackup 8.1 hotfix is required for Enterprise Vault 12.2 compatibility.

Article: 100040487
Last Published: 2023-08-07
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Appliances


Enterprise Vault (EV) 12.2 backups cannot be performed by NetBackup 8.1

Error Message

The NetBackup bpresolver log (<install directory>\NetBackup\logs\bpresolver)
shows that Enterprise Vault version 12.2 is not supported:

Given Directive <DIRECTIVE_NAME=> is NOT supported on EV version <12.2>.


Enterprise Vault (EV) 12.2 support is enabled in NetBackup 8.1 only after an Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) is applied.  This EEB has been attached to this TechNote as a hotfix (below).


Download and install the hotfix attached to this article.

Hotfix information:

Bug ID: ET 3931222

Version: NetBackup_8.1

Installation Location: client

Installation Instructions: Please follow the EEB Installer instructions available in the linked Related Article.

Package Contents:
eebinstaller.3931222.1.AMD64.exe        Windows x64 Installation

1003563308 436224 AMD64/bpresolver.exe

Recommended service state:  Ensure no backup or restore jobs are running while installing this hotfix.


Etrack : 3925613

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