Enterprise Vault Documentation 12.1

Article: 100040247
Last Published: 2018-12-13
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault

This article provides links to the following:

For information on how to obtain Enterprise Vault 12.1, see How to obtain the license key and installation download for Veritas products.


Enterprise Vault administration documentation

Publication Description
Introduction and Planning Provides an overview of Enterprise Vault functionality.
Deployment Scanner Describes how to check the required software and settings before you install Enterprise Vault.
Installing and Configuring Provides detailed information on setting up Enterprise Vault.
Upgrade Instructions Describes how to upgrade an existing Enterprise Vault installation to the latest version.
Setting up Domino Server Archiving Describes how to archive items from Domino mail files and journal databases.
Setting up Exchange Server Archiving Describes how to archive items from Microsoft Exchange user mailboxes, journal mailboxes, and public folders.
Setting up File System Archiving Describes how to archive the files that are held on network file servers.
Setting up IMAP Describes how to configure IMAP client access to Exchange archives and Internet mail archives.
Setting up SMTP Archiving Describes how to archive SMTP messages from other messaging servers.
Setting up SharePoint Server Archiving Describes how to archive content from Microsoft SharePoint servers.
Administrator's Guide Describes how to perform day-to-day administration procedures.
Backup and Recovery Describes how to implement an effective backup strategy to prevent data loss, and how to provide a means for recovery in the event of a system failure.
Classification Describes how to assign classification values to the metadata properties of all new and existing archived items. Users of applications such as Enterprise Vault Search and Compliance Accelerator can then use the classification values to filter the items when they conduct searches or reviews.
NSF Migration Describes how to migrate content from Domino and Notes NSF files into Enterprise Vault archives.
PST Migration Describes how to migrate content from Outlook PST files into Enterprise Vault archives.
Reporting Describes how to implement Enterprise Vault Reporting, which provides reports on the status of Enterprise Vault servers, archives, and archived items. If you configure FSA Reporting, additional reports are available for file servers and their volumes.
Utilities Describes the Enterprise Vault tools and utilities.
PowerShell Cmdlets Describes how to perform various administrative tasks by running the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets.
Registry Values A reference document that lists the registry values with which you can modify many aspects of Enterprise Vault behavior.
Performance Guide Describes how to size an Enterprise Vault environment effectively and optimize performance.
SQL Best Practices Guide Discusses SQL Server best practices from an Enterprise Vault perspective.
Compatibility Charts Provides information on the devices and versions of software that Enterprise Vault supports.

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Enterprise Vault guides for end users

The following documents provide information for end users for the Enterprise Vault client components:


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Compliance Accelerator documentation

Publication Description
Administrator's Guide

Provides information for Compliance Accelerator administrators on how to set up and assign roles, search for items to include in the review set, export items for offline review, create reports, and more.

Installation Guide

Outlines how to perform a first-time installation of the Compliance Accelerator server and client software.

Reviewer's Guide

Describes the features of the Compliance Accelerator client that are available to reviewers.

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Discovery Accelerator documentation

Publication Description
Administrator's Guide

Provides information for Discovery Accelerator administrators on how to set up and assign roles, search for items to include in the review set, export items for offline review, create reports, and more.

Installation Guide

Outlines how to perform a first-time installation of the Discovery Accelerator server and client software.

Reviewer's Guide

Describes the features of the Discovery Accelerator client that are available to reviewers.

Best Practices for Implementation Provides extensive information on how best to plan for and implement Discovery Accelerator.

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Japanese and Chinese versions of the documentation

Most of the administration documentation is available in Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. The following list contains links to .zip files that contain the administration documentation in these languages:

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