Veritas Access as archival storage for Enterprise Vault

Article: 100040037
Last Published: 2024-03-05
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Product(s): Access


About Veritas Access

Veritas Access is a software-defined, scale-out network-attached storage (NAS) solution for unstructured data that works on commodity hardware. Veritas Access provides resiliency, multi-protocol access, and data movement, to and from, the public and private cloud, based on policies. Veritas Access supports traditional NAS protocols, such as NFS, CIFS, and object protocols like S3.


Veritas Access Configuration for Veritas Enterprise Vault

To configure Veritas Access as a primary archival storage for the contents archived by Enterprise Vault, you have to create a CIFS share and a directory that can be accessed by Enterprise Vault. Veritas Access provides a quick and easy way for performing such a configuration. For more details on how to use Veritas Access as archival storage, see the Veritas Access 7.3 Enterprise Vault Solutions Guide.


Diagram of veritas access





Veritas Access CIFS share and directory creation

After the CIFS share is created, full permission should be given to the Enterprise Vault user for the directory (ev_archival) in a CIFS share from the Windows client (Enterprise Vault server).  ‘ev_archival’ is the empty directory in this share which is created through the GUI archival policy. Figure 1 shows permissions given to the Enterprise Vault user.

For more information, see the Veritas Access 7.3 Enterprise Vault Solutions Guide.


Figure1: Permission on CIFS folder for Veritas Enterprise Vault

Figure1: Permission on CIFS folder for Veritas Enterprise Vault


Once a CIFS share is created for archival storage, you can configure the Enterprise Vault store partition. Veritas Access is now listed as a Storage type in the New Partition dialog of Enterprise Vault (as shown in Figure 2).



Figure 2: Select Veritas Access as storage type
Figure 2: Select Veritas Access as storage type


When you configure the Enterprise Vault store partition, specify the full path of the directory created in the CIFS share configuration step as a vault store partition location (as shown in Figure 3).


Figure 3: Specify Access CIFS share path as ‘Location for Vault Store Partition’ for archival
Figure 3: Specify Access CIFS share path as ‘Location for Vault Store Partition’ for archival


‘demoshare1’ is the Veritas Access CIFS share and ‘ev_archival’ is the empty directory in this share which is created through the GUI archival policy. To configure ‘WORM’ storage from the Enterprise Vault side, select ‘Device stores data in WORM mode’ option as shown in Figure 3. If WORM option is not selected, Veritas Access storage is used as non-Worm storage.

Click on Help in the New Partition creation screen (Figure 3) for more details on device storage settings.


Note: Data deduplication and data compression is taken care by Enterprise Vault. Do not select ’Device performs data deduplication’ and ’Device performs data compression’ options while creating vault partition. These two options should be un-checked as shown in Figure 3.


After storage setting, run the connectivity test to ensure good network connectivity as shown in Figure 4. Click Help for more details about the connectivity test.


Figure 4: Network connectivity test during partition creation
Figure 4: Network connectivity test during partition creation


There is an option to configure partition rollover during partition creation as shown in Figure 5. Click Help for more details on how to configure partition rollover.


Figure 5: Partition rollover configuration
Figure 5: Partition rollover configuration


Enterprise Vault can be configured to retain original items (safety copies) until the vault store partition in which they are archived has been backed up or secured. When the vault store partition has been backed up, Enterprise Vault removes the safety copies. Figure 6 shows the Enterprise Vault store settings when the safety copies are removed after the partition has been backed-up. 

Note: For more information about the options on each tab, see the online Help.    

Figure 6: Safety copies configuration
Figure 6: Safety copies configuration


When Enterprise Vault store is configured to delete safety copies after backup, it is important to configure how Enterprise Vault will check to ensure partition is backed up or secured. Only the ‘trigger file’ option is supported with Veritas Access as shown in Figure 7. Click Help for more details on the ‘trigger file’ option


Figure 7: Configuration for Enterprise Vault to check how items are secured

Figure 7: Configuration for Enterprise Vault to check how items are secured


Additional Information

Maximum retention time for Veritas Access

In the Veritas Access 7.3 release, the maximum value for the retention time period is ‘19 January 2038, 03:14:07 UTC’. Retention policies with different retention time can be defined through Enterprise Vault.


Figure 8: Maximum retention time
Figure 8: Maximum retention time


For the Enterprise Vault retention policies created with ‘Retain items forever’ option (Figure 8), the maximum retention time supported by Veritas Access is 19 January, 2038.

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