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Article: 100039337
Last Published: 2019-04-18
Ratings: 2 1
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
What is the purpose of Repository.xml?
The Repository.xml file contains the list of all 64-bit index volumes (collections) managed by the 64-bit indexing engine. This file also contains configuration settings for all index volumes (collections) managed by 64-bit indexing engine.
Note: For more information on how the 64-bit indexing engine works, please refer to our
By default repository.xml file can be found at the following location in the Enterprise Vault install directory:
For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVIndexing\data\indexmetadata
Note: The size of repository.xml gradually increases as new index volumes (collections) are created or configuration of existing index volumes (collections) are updated.
In certain rare circumstances the repository.xml file may become corrupted, this will cause unpredictable behavior and is likely to be accompanied by errors from the Indexing Service. Indications that the repository.xml file has become corrupted include:
- Continued error messages from the Indexing Service.
- Indexing Service process crashes.
- Event Log or DTrace entries that contain any of the following:
- XML index [C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVIndexing\data\indexmetadata\repository.xml.index] is corrupt.
- Malformed XML file [C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVIndexing\data\indexmetadata\repository.xml
- xml-file-malformed-error
- An attempt to open the repository.xml file in a XML Editor indicates that the structure of the document is incorrect.
In the event of repository.xml corruption, the following disaster recover (DR) steps should be carried out by an Enterprise Vault administrator.
1- Stop the EV Indexing service.
2- If repository.xml is corrupt, delete the corrupted repository.xml file.
3- Start the EV Indexing service.
4- On start up the EV Indexing service will re synchronize repository.xml and other missing metadata.
Note: This re synchronization process can take an extended amount of time depending on the number of index volumes (collections) managed by the indexing service. Once the metadata synchronization process is completed then indexing service will become fully functional.
Index metadata
Index metadata is the working directory for the 64-bit indexing engine. It is important to understand that index metadata is not indexed data as such; the indexmedata directory contains some of the necessary files required by 64-bit indexing engine to manage existing 64-bit index volumes (collections).
Typically by default indexmetadata directory is configured at the following location:
….\Enterprise Vault\EVIndexing\data
Index metadata can be configured to a custom location.
1- Stop indexing service.
2- Create a new custom directory at an appropriate location.
3- Manually copy the existing indexmetadata folder and all its contents to new custom directory.
4- Launch the Vault Administration Console (VAC), right click on the Indexing service and select
5- On General tab in Index metadata location section, click
Browse and select the new indexmetadata folder in the new custom directory.

6- Restart indexing service.
Indexmetadata contains three type repository files:
Note: Only repository.xml is useful for troubleshooting issues.
Indexmetadata directory contains following sub directories and files:
1- A reporting folder, which contains application-reporting and system-reporting sub folders. The Sys-reporting directory contain files containing errors, warnings and informational message from 64-bit indexing engine; Enterprise Vault routinely checks these files for latest errors, warnings and informational messages. Files are named as per dates on which these messages are logged.
2- The Search-collections directory contain details of all index volumes managed by indexing engine. Three character folders exist with each containing files for multiple index volumes (collections).
Typically for each index volume following directory and files will normally exist:
• A folder named as per record entry in “FolderName” column of indexvolume table of directory database.
• An xml file named as per record entry in “FolderName” column of indexvolume table of directory database.
• A lock file named as per record entry in “FolderName” column of indexvolume table of directory database.
The Xml file contains a log of the current state of the index volume including information about all files belonging to the index of this index volume (collection). A tag
vse-meta-info points to actual index location of an index volume.
E.g. a typical vse-meta-info tag will be as following:
- <vse-meta-info name="live-crawl-dir">
- <![CDATA[ E:\Index Locations\index3\1C91F05433FC4634AAF7619868039EEA8_16257\live ]]>
- <vse-meta-info name="staging-crawl-dir">
- <![CDATA[ E:\Index Locations\index3\1C91F05433FC4634AAF7619868039EEA8_16257\staging ]]>
- <vse-meta-info name="cache-dir">
- <![CDATA[ E:\Index Locations\index3\1C91F05433FC4634AAF7619868039EEA8_16257\cache ]]>
Applies to:
EV 10 and above.
Event Id’s: