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Article: 100038765
Last Published: 2016-04-29
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection
First a bit of history about NetBackup before EMM (Enterprise Media Manager) was introduced. Prior to the release of Netbackup 6.0, some bp.conf and vm.conf file entries were moved into the enterprise media manager (EMM). One such entry was RETURN_UNASSIGNED_MEDIA_TO_SCRATCH_POOLPlease refer to 000029919 (formerly 000029919) in the Related Articles for all entries moved. This entry is now in EMM and must be set to "yes". This entry's presence in the vm.conf file has no effect in NetBackup 6.0 and beyond.
For media to return to the scratch pool after image expiration, the following conditions must be met. This is true for all operating systems.
1. EMM must be set to:
This can be checked by running:
This can be set with:
The default is yes.
2. The scratch pool must be set to scratch
3. The media must have started in the scratch pool prior to it being assigned.
If a user moves unassigned media via the vmchange command or via the GUI to a pool that is not scratch, the media will stay in that pool after image expiration, regardless of the conditions above. So if the intent is to have media return to the scratch pool after image expiration, the media must originate in the scratch pool before it is assigned.
This can be checked by running:
<install_path>\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -listsettings -machinename <emm_server> |grep -i scratch
This can be set with:
<install_path>\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -changesetting -machinename <emm_server> -RETURN_UNASSIGNED_MEDIA_TO_SCRATCH_POOL yes
The default is yes.
2. The scratch pool must be set to scratch
<install_path>\volmgr\bin\vmpool -list_scratch
Scratch Pools
3. The media must have started in the scratch pool prior to it being assigned.
If a user moves unassigned media via the vmchange command or via the GUI to a pool that is not scratch, the media will stay in that pool after image expiration, regardless of the conditions above. So if the intent is to have media return to the scratch pool after image expiration, the media must originate in the scratch pool before it is assigned.
Below are notes from testing done in a lab showing this:
1. NBU version:
# cat /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version
NetBackup-Solaris10 7.7.1
2. Move all media from pools scratch and test1 with exception of these:
Move G03001 to scratch
Move G03033 to test1
3. Here are my pools:
bash-3.00# vmpool -listall
pool number: 6
pool name: scratch
description: ------
max partially full: 0
pool number: 7
pool name: test1
description: ------
max partially full: 0
4. Show the tapes are set to return to the pools where they originated from:
bash-3.00# nbemmcmd -listsettings -machinename firegod |grep -i scratch
5. Show that the scratch pool is scratch (since you can set scratch to any pool):
bash-3.00# vmpool -listscratch
Scratch Pools
6. Pretest (the tapes are not assigned, but 1 in each pool)
G03001 is in scratch
G03033 is in test1
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03001
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03001TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 1
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 6
pool name: scratch
previous pool name: test1
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:45 2014
assigned: -
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:17 2014
last mounted: Wed Nov 4 14:05:28 2015
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 8
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03033 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03033
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03033TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 33
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 7
pool name: test1
previous pool name: CatalogBackup
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:53 2014
assigned: -
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:19 2014
last mounted: Sun Feb 21 23:39:56 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 9
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
8. Run the backup and tapes are assigned. Notice G03001 is pulled from scratch pool and assigned to test1 pool.
G03033 remains in test1 pool.
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03001 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03001
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03001TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 1
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 7
pool name: test1
previous pool name: scratch
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:45 2014
assigned: Tue Apr 19 07:19:16 2016
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:17 2014
last mounted: Tue Apr 19 06:57:52 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 9
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03033 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03033
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03033TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 33
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 7
pool name: test1
previous pool name: CatalogBackup
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:53 2014
assigned: Tue Apr 19 07:14:37 2016
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:19 2014
last mounted: Tue Apr 19 06:53:07 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 10
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
9. Now expire the backups and see where they go. Please notice G03033 stays in test1, where G03001 goes back to scratch.
bash-3.00# bpexpdate -m G03001 -d 0 -force
bash-3.00# bpexpdate -m G03033 -d 0 -force
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03001 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03001
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03001TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 1
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 6
pool name: scratch
previous pool name: test1
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:45 2014
assigned: -
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:17 2014
last mounted: Tue Apr 19 06:57:52 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 9
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03033 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03033
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03033TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 33
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 7
pool name: test1
previous pool name: -
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:53 2014
assigned: -
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:19 2014
last mounted: Tue Apr 19 06:53:07 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 10
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
10. This confirms that if EMM has: RETURN_UNASSIGNED_MEDIA_TO_SCRATCH_POOL="yes", and a scratch pool is defined, then the tapes are returned to where they were before they were assigned. If you want tapes to return to scratch please move all unnassigned tapes to scratch.
To take this a step further I turned off the EMM setting and confirmed they stay in the pool, if taken from scratch:
bash-3.00# nbemmcmd -listsettings -machinename msdp-linux |grep -i scratch
Tape starts in scratch
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03001 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03001
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03001TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 1
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 6
pool name: scratch
previous pool name: test1
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:45 2014
assigned: -
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:17 2014
last mounted: Tue Apr 19 06:57:52 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 9
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
12. Run the backup and now it's in test1 and assigned
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03001 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03001
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03001TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 1
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 7
pool name: test1
previous pool name: scratch
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:45 2014
assigned: Tue Apr 19 07:53:00 2016
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:17 2014
last mounted: Tue Apr 19 07:31:30 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 10
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
13. Expire the backup
bash-3.00# bpexpdate -m G03001 -d 0 –force
14. Confirm the tapes stays in test1
bash-3.00# vmquery -m G03001 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: G03001
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
barcode: G03001TA
barcode partner: --------
media description: Added by Media Manager
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot control host:
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
coord1: 1
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 7
pool name: test1
previous pool name: scratch
version: 50
created: Thu Jul 10 12:45:45 2014
assigned: -
first mount: Thu Jul 10 13:08:17 2014
last mounted: Tue Apr 19 07:31:30 2016
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 10
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -