How to use the SORT Data Collector for Unix to collect an enhanced VxExplorer troubleshooting archive (3 steps)
Table of Contents
Summary Instructions (QUICK START)
Detailed Instructions
Upload Examples
The Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) website offers a free tool called the Data Collector, which uses system and Veritas application information to generate a file called a "SORT VxExplorer". This file can be used by Veritas Support for troubleshooting.
The SORT VxEplorer has replaced the legacy VRTSExplorer tool, which is currently undergoing a staged deprecation.
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The Data Collector can be downloaded from Veritas SORT:
Summary Instructions
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3 steps to using SORT Data Collector for collecting and submitting an enhanced VxExplorer troubleshooting archive
- Get the Data Collector shell archive script. Choose either Option A or B in Step 1 of the Detailed Instructions below.
- Run the Data Collector archive (think of it as self-extracting .tar.gz file). You will be prompted to automatically start the Data Collector script (sortdc).
- The Data Collector will provide a menu to select the method of submitting the VxExplorer troubleshooting archive to Veritas. A connection to the Internet is required for menu options 1-3. See Upload Examples below for details.
Note: Veritas Support uses a secure evidence tool for uploading data. The current functionality is detailed in the Upload Examples section, below.
Detailed Instructions
(Back to top)Step 1
Method A
If the server is running any Storage Foundation or InfoScale products, version 6.0 or higher, the Data Collector archive is pre-installed, and can be found in the following directory:
(this will be an older version of the Data Collector that was current when the version of Storage Foundation or InfoScale was released; method B below can be used to get the current version of the Data Collector)
The archive will have a filename of:
(where xxxxxxxx describes the OS)
Once the Data Collector is installed on the Unix server, skip to Step 2 below.
Method B
The Data Collector can be downloaded from the SORT website at (Figure 1): Once on that page, you will have the ability to download the Data Collector for your server's operating system. (Figure 2)This archive needs to be transferred to the Unix server. As an alternative, the freeware utility wget can be used to download the Data Collector archive directly to the Unix server. These details are contained in the article referenced at the top of this article or in the README shown below.
Use chmod to grant the Data Collector "archive" and "execute" permissions:
chmod u+x
Once the Data Collector is installed on the Unix server, with the proper permissions, skip to Step 2, below.
Figure 1 - Navigating to Data Collector page from SORT landing page

Step 2
Run the Data Collector archive script (./ A sort sub directory will be created in the current directory. Any local directory can be used; NFS support is not available. You will be prompted to run the Data Collector script ( sortdc ). Accept the default response of "yes."
Below are the screen instructions for starting the Data Collector script, for future executions:
# ./ Uncompressing SORT data collector: 100% |************************************************************|
Would you like to run the data collector now? [y,n] (y)
- Follow the on-screen instructions and prompts. If unsure, the default responses are normally OK. An example is provided below.
- If the server has access to the Internet, the Data Collector script will contact the SORT servers to check for a Data Collector upgrade and download a new archive, if appropriate.
- The script will determine if the host(s) specified are part of a cluster, where the other nodes have not been specified. Answer "yes" to this question if a VxExplorer is required from any non-specified nodes. The typical response is "no" for a single node VxExplorer.
- In the event that a VxExplorer collection is required from more than one system, the SORT Data Collector can be configured to use remote protocols (ssh/rsh/hacli/xprtld). The sudo utility can also be configured. See the article in the Introduction section above or the README on the SORT website ("View" link highlighted above).
- The script will prompt to upload the VxExplorer archive. Options 1-3 require a connection to the Internet.
Step 3
When the script finishes collecting data, the name of the output file (the "archive") is displayed on the screen, followed by a menu of four options. These allow you to determine how the archive is shared to Veritas Technical Support for analysis. The first three options will upload the VxExplorer archive to Veritas. They require a connection to the Internet that allows the Secure File Transfer Protocol (sftp). If a firewall is in place on the site network, the sftp port must be open (typically, TCP port 22 outbound). If a proxy is required, see the sortdc usage message to configure a proxy at the Unix command line.
The output file is VxArray12:/var/tmp/VRTSexplorer_a8c00c0a_VxArray12_20150810083932.tar.gz.The checksum and size in bytes for the tarfile on VxArray12 are 3909127711 9258558/var/tmp/VRTSexplorer_a8c00c0a_VxArray12_20150810083932.tar.gz
To expedite the solution to your issue, share your report with VeritasTechnical Support:
1) Create a new support case
2) Update an existing support case
3) Upload the explorer log anonymously
4) Share it laterChoose your option: [1-4,q] (1)
These options are detailed in the Upload Examples section below (near the end).
(Back to top)If the Data Collector archive was transferred from a workstation to the server (Step 1, Method B, above) and the transfer used ftp ascii mode (inadvertently or automatically) the following error may be displayed:
# ./sort_sol_sparc.shWarning: An internal checksum has been corrupted. This is likely due to the use of ascii-mode FTP during a file transfer. Please re-download the tool or re-transfer it to this host using binary mode FTP. The correct md5 checksum for this file can be found at <> and can be checked using the md5sum tool.
In this case, re-transfer the .sh archive from the workstation, making sure that the binary, or image, transfer mode is used.
The following is a sample run of the SORT Data Collector, as it appeared at the time of this writing:
[root@server101 tmp]# ./
Uncompressing SORT data collector: 100% |*************************************|
Would you like to run the data collector now? [y,n] (y) y
In the future, you can start the data collector by running: cd sort ./sortdc
Checking available driver (server101) resources
Working directory file system type: ext3
Open files limit: 1024
Virtual memory limit: unlimited
Loading data collector...
Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)Copyright (c) 2015 Veritas Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved. Veritas and the Veritas Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Veritas Technologies Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Press [Return] to indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions as indicated in the /var/tmp/sort/advanced/terms.txt file, or q to decline: (y) y
The data collector writes logs to /var/tmp/sortdc-201512291335gFD.
Starting the data collector [Build: 3.18.20151216]...
Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) Connecting to Veritas SORT to check for the latest data collector version ... Connected
You have the most current data collector version.
Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)The tier sheet version on local machine is 83.An updated tier sheet version (86) is available on the Veritas SORT UpdateServer.Do you want to download the latest tier sheet? [y,n,q] (n) n
Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)Main Menu:Choose the Veritas enterprise product family:
1) NetBackup Family
2) Storage Foundation and HA Solutions / InfoScale SolutionsChoose your option: [1-2,q]
(1) 2 Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)
Main Menu->Storage Foundation and HA Solutions / InfoScale Solutions:What task do you want to accomplish?
1) Installation/Upgrade report
2) Risk Assessment report
3) License/Deployment report
4) VxExplorer report
5) Other tasks
b) Back to previous menu
Choose your option (separate multiple selections with commas): [1-5,b,q](1,2,3)
Main Menu->Storage Foundation and HA Solutions / InfoScaleSolutions->VxExplorer report:On which systems do you want to run and report?
1) This system only(<server101>)
2) One or more remote systems
3) IP Address Range
b) Back to previous menu
Choose your option: [1-3,b,q] (1) 1
Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)Logs are being written to /var/tmp/sortdc-201512291335gFD
while sortdc is in progress Partial clusters check: 100% Estimated time remaining: 00:00:00
1 of 1 Checking for partial clusters among input systems
No partial cluster found Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)
Generating report for VRTSexplorer:Do you want to run all VRTSexplorer modules? [y,n,q] (y) y
Specify a report directory excluding the /(root) path to store the collected data by VRTSexplorer: (/var/tmp) /var/tmp
Storing all the data collected from server101 toserver101:/var/tmp/VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20151229133621.
You can run a set of Risk Assessement checks on your system(s), which will analyze your environment and make configuration recommendations. These checks can uncover potential issues and suggest ways to fix them.
Do you want to run Risk Assessement checks on server101? [y,n,q] (n) n
Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)The data collector writes logs to server101:/var/tmp/sortdc-201512291335gFD
Do you want to collect VxVM core files in the root directory (/) on server101? [y,n,q] (n) n
VxVM Core file collection skipped.
Note: Do not answer "yes" to the following question, unless you are specifically advised to do so by Veritas support.
Set the VxVM Configuration daemon debugging level on server101? [y,n,q] (n) n
Debugging level setting skipped.
server101: Collecting system configuration information for Linux system.\server101: Collecting VERITAS package version information.
server101: Collecting loadable module information.|server101: Checking VERITAS packages.
server101: Collecting configuration information in Veritas Virtual Infrastructure for Linux.
server101: Collecting guest logs./server101: Determining current VxVM operating mode.-
server101: Collecting VxVM configuration information.server101: Collecting VRAS configuration information.
server101: Collecting VxFS configuration information.
server101: Collecting VVR configuration information.
server101: Collecting VOM configuration information.
server101: Collecting SIG licensing information.
server101: Collecting DCLI configuration information.
server101: Collecting Cross Product/Platform Installation (CPI) information.
server101: Generating the summary report...
server101: Script finished, creating output tar file...
The output file is
The checksum and size in bytes for the tarfile on server101 are
3591457233 18252347 /var/tmp/VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20151229133621.tar.gz
To expedite the solution to your issue, share your report with Veritas Technical Support:
1) Create a new support case
2) Update an existing support case; I do not know the case # (requires login)
3) Update an existing support case; I know the case #
4) Share it later
Choose your option: [1-4,q] (1) 4
Your VRTSexplorer log is not uploaded. You have 1 output file(s) which are not uploaded. Your tasks are completed.
Would you like to exit the data collector? [y,n,q](y) y
Would you like to provide feedback for the data collector? [y,n,q] (y) n
SORT Data Collector current session log files are saved at
Upload Examples
(Back to top)The Data Collector now includes features to create a new case and upload a VxExplorer (option 1). It is not necessary to open a case via the web portal, or by calling Veritas Support. You can also update an existing case; a manual upload is unnecessary (options 2 and 3). In cases where the host doesn't have a connection to the Internet or sftp access is disabled (typically, port 22 outbound), Option 4 can be used to allow uploads using sftp at another server, or by uploading at the web portal via case management.
Note: Options 1, 2 and 3 will use sftp to access the Veritas Secure Evidence Server. This typically requires that port 22 outbound be open to the Internet, or via a proxy.
Option 1 - Create a new support case
To expedite the solution to your issue, share your report with Veritas Technical Support:
1) Create a new support case
2) Update an existing support case; I do not know the case # (requires login)
3) Update an existing support case; I know the case #
4) Share it later
Choose your option: [1-4,q] (1) 1
Enter your Veritas Account Manager (VAM) user ID:
Enter the password for
Define the severity (1-4) for the new case: [q,?] (4) 3
Provide subject for the support case [required]: unable to mount filesystem
Add comments for the association [optional, type q to exit]:volume is in a disabled stateq
Your authenticated entitlement is Essential (Essential) [STONE CREEK FLY FISHING].
Uploading /var/tmp/21052192_VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20160106075146.tar.gz to server.......................................................................................................18103609 / 18103609 bytes.
File uploaded successfully.
Your support case has been created, and has been assigned the number:21052192. Your tasks are completed.
Would you like to exit the data collector? [y,n,q](y) y
Would you like to provide feedback for the data collector? [y,n,q] (y) n
SORT Data Collector current session log files are saved atserver101:/var/tmp/sort/log/sortdc-201601060750slO
Option 2 - Update an existing support case; I do not know the case # (Veritas Account login required)
To expedite the solution to your issue, share your report with Veritas Technical Support:
1) Create a new support case
2) Update an existing support case; I do not know the case # (requires login)
3) Update an existing support case; I know the case # 4) Share it laterChoose your option: [1-4,q] (1) 2
Enter your Veritas Account Manager (VAM) user ID:
Enter the password for
VRTSexplorer is retrieving your existing cases, which might take some time...The following open support cases are found:
1) 20620096 - Unable to manage resource
2) 20901905 - volume in disabled state
3) 20917426 - service group not coming online
Select a case to associate with this collection: [1-24,q] (1) 2
You chose 20901905 - volume in disabled state.
Add comments for the association [optional, type q to exit]:updating case with vxexplorer troubleshooting archive for analysisqAdd comments to 20901905 successfully.
Uploading /var/tmp/20901905_VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20151229141312.tar.gz to server.......................................................................................................18053740 / 18053740 bytes.
File uploaded successfully.
Associated /var/tmp/20901905_VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20151229141312.tar.gz with 20901905, and uploaded/var/tmp/20901905_VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20151229141312.tar.gz.
Your tasks are completed.
Would you like to exit the data collector? [y,n,q](y) y
Would you like to provide feedback for the data collector? [y,n,q] (y) n
SORT Data Collector current session log files are saved at
Option 3 - Update an existing support case; I know the case # (login not required)
To expedite the solution to your issue, share your report with Veritas Technical Support:
1) Create a new support case
2) Update an existing support case; I do not know the case # (requires login)
3) Update an existing support case; I know the case #
4) Share it laterChoose your option: [1-4,q] (1) 3
Enter the valid Veritas Technical Support case number: 21052192
Valid Case number : 21052192
Case status : Under Investigation
Uploading /var/tmp/21052192_VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20160106080914.tar.gz to server.......................................................................................................18135328 / 18135328 bytes.
File uploaded successfully.
Upload /var/tmp/21052192_VRTSexplorer_a8c0650a_server101_20160106080914.tar.gz anonymously.
Note: You need to contact Veritas Technical Support to link the file(s) to case 21052192.Your tasks are completed.
Would you like to exit the data collector? [y,n,q](y) y
Would you like to provide feedback for the data collector? [y,n,q] (y) n
SORT Data Collector current session log files are saved at
Option 4 - Share it later (requires a manual upload later)
To expedite the solution to your issue, share your report with Veritas Technical Support:
1) Create a new support case
2) Update an existing support case; I do not know the case # (requires login)
3) Update an existing support case; I know the case #
4) Share it later Choose your option: [1-4,q] (1) 4
Your VRTSexplorer log is not uploaded.
You have 1 output file(s) which are not uploaded.
Your tasks are completed.
Would you like to exit the data collector? [y,n,q](y) y
Would you like to provide feedback for the data collector? [y,n,q] (y) n
SORT Data Collector current session log files are saved at server101:/var/tmp/sort/log/sortdc-201601060842YOg
For manual uploads
The sftp server is TCP port 22 outbound must be open. Detailed information about manual uploads is beyond the scope of this document, but some examples of the manual upload process include:
- Transferring the VxExplorer archive to another server, where the sftp command is available.
- Transferring the VxExplorer archive to another server, or workstation, and using an sftp GUI, like WinSCP, or Filezilla.
- Transferring the VxExplorer archive to another server, or workstation, and uploading to MyVeritas, or directly to, using a web browser.