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Article: 100038470
Last Published: 2023-10-09
Ratings: 4 1
Product(s): Backup Exec
How to Configure Backup Exec Cloud Connector for Amazon S3Latest version of Backup Exec provides the ability to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for cloud-based storage.
To configure the Backup Exec cloud connector for Amazon S3, you must have the following items:
Latest version of Backup Exec
An Amazon access key id
An Amazon secret access key
Note: The user created using Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) should have programmatic access type. This user can be attached to a managed policy or a custom policy which has complete access on the S3 bucket created for Backup Exec. Refer Amazon Web Services (AWS) documentation for more details
- An Amazon S3 bucket
You must create buckets before you configure cloud storage in Backup Exec.
Ensure the bucket names meet following Backup Exec requirements:
Ensure the bucket names meet following Backup Exec requirements:
- Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dash (or hyphens)
- Bucket names cannot begin with a dash (or hyphen)
Note: The buckets are not available for use in Backup Exec if the bucket name does not comply with the bucket naming convention.
- Outbound internet access from the Backup Exec Server against http (Port 80) and https (Port 443). For more details on IP Port Requirements, please refer to AWS documentation.
To configure Backup Exec cloud connector for Amazon S3:
1. For Backup Exec on the Storage tab, click Configure Storage. For Backup Exec 16 FP1 and later, on the Storage tab, click Configure Cloud Storage, then skip to step 4 below.
2. Select Network storage, and then click Next.
3. Select Cloud storage, and then click Next.
4. Enter the name and description that you want to use for this cloud storage device, and then click Next.
5. Select S3 as the cloud storage provider, and then click Next.
6. For Backup Exec , in the Server name field, type the following for Amazon S3:
For Backup Exec , click the Cloud storage dropdown and select Amazon or Amazon China as appropriate.
7. Click Add/Edit next to the Logon account field.
8. On the Logon Account Selection dialog box, click Add.
9. On the Add Logon Credentials dialog box, do the following:
- In the User name field, type the Amazon account access key.
- In the Password field, type the Amazon account secret key.
- In the Confirm password field, type the Amazon account secret key again.
- In the Account name field, type a name for this logon account.
11. Select the Amazon logon account that you created in step 9, and then click Next.
12. Select the Amazon S3 bucket as the logical storage unit that you want to use, and then click Next.
13. Review the summary, and then click Finish.
Notes on Job Configuration within Backup Exec.
- As Amazon apparently charge for various operations for both reading data from and writing data into S3 storage, customers may want to consider disabling the verify option on any backup or duplicate jobs, that write into S3, to avoid billing charges. Note: this would mean Backup Exec would not be validating that the backup set has been laid down correctly within the S3 storage and may result in issues during restores.
- For Backup Exec , the initial drop down 'Backup' menu in the Backup Exec console only provides duplicate to cloud (B2D2C) options, however direct to cloud (D2C) is possible by creating a Backup to Disk job and then editing the Storage properties of the job to choose the S3 Cloud Device as a target
- For Backup Exec the backup menu provides a selection to back up directly to cloud - Back Up to Cloud.