How to manually install Muhimbi for eDiscovery

Article: 100038456
Last Published: 2019-01-23
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): eDiscovery Platform


Technical staff may need to install Muhimbi manually without the aid of the eDiscovery Platform (eDP) installer.  This HOWTO describes the steps it takes to install Muhimbi manually and ready it for use with the eDP software.

First make sure there is an independent admin account dedicated to the Muhimbi service that has the admin rights described the eDP installation guide (ie ESADocImager).

Read and understand the following commands.  Make substitutions to the arguments based on the pertinent environment. 

Muhimbi for eDP version 9.1 and Above:

  1. Download the Muhimbi Installer Package eDP 9.1_zip.
  2. Run the MuhimbiSetup.bat and follow the on screen prompts.
  3. Verify the Muhimbi installation completed successfully via Programs & Features

Muhimbi for eDP version 9.0 and Below:

  1. Download the Muhimbi Installer Package eDP 9.0 and
  2. Run the MuhimbiSetup.bat and follow the on screen prompts.
  3. Verify the Muhimbi installation completed successfully via Programs & Features


  1. If the batch file installation fails with the error "An old version of The Muhimbi Document Converter appears to be installed on this system", make sure that there are no Muhimbi service accounts running, such as EsaImageHelper or DocumentConverterService.  If there are, remove them using SC Delete <Name>.
  2. If the installation fails with an Invalid User Name or Password error, check to see if FIPS mode is enabled.  Set the following registry key to 0 to disable FIPS mode:



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