Contact Us -Arctera Insight

Article: 100038431
Last Published: 2023-09-19
Ratings: 106 84
Product(s): Veritas Alta Archiving


The Arctera Insight (formerly Veritas Alta Archiving) support team is available using the phone (Details Listed Below) or by logging into our Support site and selecting the option Support Cases.

If any software download is needed for any Arctera product, an account that is authorized for downloads must be used.  If such account must be created, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Support Site through the link above.
  2. Click on the Download Center icon.
  3. Click on the Sign On icon in the upper right area of the page to expand a login dialog box.
  4. Click on the link in the line " Don’t have an account? Create One. ".
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to create an account.

Support Hours Active: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Billing Hours Active: 24/5 days a week

Phone Contacts
Region/Country Telephone number
Americas 1 866 837 4827
Europe 1 800 93 9380
Asia Pacific 400 120 4816
Australia 1 800 408425
Japan 0120 993232
Singapore 800 1206 751
United Kingdom 0800 279 9810



This Article describes how to contact Arctera regarding support for Arctera Insight (formerly Veritas Alta Archiving)only.

  • To contact Arctera for sales information about any Arctera product, please fill out the form at the Request-a-Call site to request a call back from one of the Arctera Sales Team members.
  • To obtain urgent support for any Arctera product, please visit the Contact Support page, select the appropriate region and call the number provided.

For billing information:

  • Contact your collection analyst (you can see who your collection analyst is by looking at the top of your invoice.
  • Otherwise, you can contact


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