The instructions below detail how to install the Brava! client.
If the environment is to be installed on a Citrix /Terminal server; first log into Citrix as an administrator. Access a Clearwell appliance and install the Brava client via the normal method. This action will create a folder in the C:\documents and settings\<userID>\ folder, called IGC.
When reviewing a document in native mode for the first time, the IGC Server will deliver a prompt to install the Brava ActiveX Client. If the native viewer client file is needed for Group Policy push application, the installer file may be found on the eDiscovery appliance in the following folder: D:\CW\V##\utlities\NativeViewer.
1. Accept and follow the prompts to install the Brava ActiveX Client (Note: user profile will need PowerUser rights).
2. Verify client works (bring up document in near native view).
If the client does not work:
1. Unregister the BravaClientX.dll and BravaClientXWrapper.dll files from the user profile.
regsvr32 -u "c:\documents and settings\<userID>\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientX.dll"
regsvr32 -u "c:\documents and settings\<userID>\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientXWrapper.dll"
OR, in Windows 2008 environments:
regsvr32 -u c:\Users\<userID>\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientX.dll
regsvr32 -u c:\Users\<userID>\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientXWrapper.dll
OR, in Windows 2012 environments and newer IGC version:
regsvr32 -u c:\Users\<userID>\IGC\x8_0\529D447D-B36F-448F-A7D8-FB50EF58CA87\BravaClientX.dll
regsvr32 -u c:\Users\<userID>\IGC\x8_0\529D447D-B36F-448F-A7D8-FB50EF58CA87\BravaClientXWrapper.dll
2. Copy the IGC folder into the C:\documents and settings\Default User\ folder or C:\users\Default User\
3. Register the IGC DLLs to that path:
regsvr32 "c:\documents and settings\Default User\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientX.dll"
regsvr32"c:\documents and settings\Default User\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientXWrapper.dll"
OR, in Windows 2008 environments:
regsvr32 c:\Users\<userID>\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientX.dll
regsvr32 c:\Users\<userID>\IGC\x7_1\BravaClientXWrapper.dll
OR, in Windows 2012 environments and newer IGC version:
regsvr32 c:\Users\Default\IGC\x8_0\529D447D-B36F-448F-A7D8-FB50EF58CA87\BravaClientX.dll
regsvr32 c:\Users\Default\IGC\x8_0\529D447D-B36F-448F-A7D8-FB50EF58CA87\BravaClientXWrapper.dll
4. Make all users who will be accessing the Brava client members of the power users group on the Citrix server (if applicable).
5. Delete the user profiles that previously existed on the Citrix server (if applicable). When they next log in, their local user profile will be recreated, with an IGC folder in their profile.
6. Individual users must follow the "Install activeX control" route for installing the Brava client (the user will be prompted the first time they access the Native View of a document via IE).
Note: The URL used to access the Clearwell appliance must be added to user profile, Internet Explorer > Internet options > Security > Local Intranet or Trusted Sites. This ensures the ActiveX controls are able to function.