How to troubleshoot backups/restores on SLES/RHEL/Appliance VMware Backup Host

Article: 100038096
Last Published: 2022-04-20
Ratings: 1 2
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


New Logging information
FlashBackup Logging has been improved:
Set VERBOSE = 10 to log what entries are being cataloged.

FullVM restore logs will now be in Unified logging for ncfnbrestore

For all of the below logging, please enable the vmcloglevel at the bottom of the document. A log level of 3 is standard, however if you suspect a bug then please use 6.


Manual browsing for virtual machines are logged in: (Please set vmcloglevel to at least 3)


Add VERBOSE = 5 in bp.conf file 

To configure nbsl logging ,Run

vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 132 -s DebugLevel=6

Log files :

# /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbproxy

# /usr/openv/logs/nbsl

VMware Backup Host:

Add VERBOSE = 5 in bp.conf file 


Query Base Browsing:

OID 386 ncfvmwarepi and ncfnbcs OID 366 and oid 

Log file :


To configure run:
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 386 -s DebugLevel=6
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 366 -s DebugLevel=6
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 480 -s DebugLevel = 6

Please also setup vmcloglevel to atleast 3 (6 is the highest), instructions can be found further down the document.

To view the log for the last 30 minutes run:
vxlogview -p NB -i ncfnbcs -d all -t 00:30:00 > nbcs.txt


For Snapshots gather: (Please set vmcloglevel to at least 3 and add VERBOSE = 5 in bp.conf)

Log file :

Also check Virtual Center task and events for any errors on the Snapshot.


For Backups gather (add VERBOSE = 5 in bp.conf)

log file :


To enable VxMS logging on a Linux backup host on 7.5.x/2.5.x versions:

  1. Change to the /usr/openv/lib directory.
  2. If the .vxms.rc file already exists, remove the # from the following line and save the file: #debug_level=TRC_TOP|PARAM_IN|PARAM_OUT|PARAM_FULL|INFO|DEBUG
  3. If the .vxms.rc file does not exist, create it and add the following line:

You can use the echo command to edit the .vxms.rc file (enter all on one line):
echo "debug_level=TRC_TOP|PARAM_IN|PARAM_OUT|PARAM_FULL|INFO|DEBUG" > .vxms.rc

For full VxMS logging:
echo "debug_level=TRC_TOP|PARAM_IN|PARAM_OUT|PARAM_FULL|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE1|TRACE2|TRACE3" > /usr/openv/lib/.vxms.rc

Also add the following for Transport and NCF information:

Pre NetBackup
Create a file with name 'vixDiskLib.ini' in folder /usr/openv/lib/shared/vddk/

With NetBackup and 7.6.x:
Create a file with name 'vixDiskLib.ini' in folder /usr/openv/lib/shared/vddk/lib64

Edit it and add these lines there (everything is case-sensitive, of course):
vixDiskLib.nfc.LogLevel = 4
vixDiskLib.transport.LogLevel = 6

The log files are generated in the /usr/openv/logs directory. For every backup, two log files are generated in the following format:

where <PID> is the process id and <MMDDYY> is the month, day, and year.

To configure VxMS logging on a 7.6/2.6 and later Linux backup host:

  1. Create the VxMS log directory:

Note: For logging to occur, the VxMS directory must exist.And it should be in lower case

  1. Add the following to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file:

VXMS_VERBOSE=numeric value of 0 or greater
Set the VXMS_VERBOSE to 5 for most issues, 8 for file mapping related issues.

  1. To change the log location, enter the following in the bp.conf file:

vxmslogdir=path to new log location

Note: If the VxMS log location is changed, the Logging Assistant does not collect the logs.



- Please set vmcloglevel to at least 3 and add VERBOSE = 5 in bp.conf
- master bprd log

Create VM calls during restores are logged in bpVMutil: 


Tar is now nbrestore for VMware Restores:
OID 357 - /usr/openv/logs/ncfnbrestore

To configure ncfnbrestore run:
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 356 -s DebugLevel=6
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 357 -s DebugLevel=6

To view nbrestore for the last 30 minutes run:
vxlogview -p NB -o 356 -i 357 -d all -t 00:30:00 > nbrestore.txt

Additional logging for Restore related issues
On the Master Server: bprd
On the VMware Backup Host: 
# /usr/openv/logs/ncfnbrestore
# /usr/openv/logs/VxMS-<pid>log.<date>_provider
# /usr/openv/logs/VxMS-<pid>log.<date>_core
# /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpVMutil

Instant Recovery Logging:

(Please set vmcloglevel to at least 3 and add VERBOSE = 5 in bp.conf)

On the Master Server: bprd

They are 3 main steps performed during Instant Recovery:

 - Export a backup image
 - Mount a backup image
 - Activate VM

If any of these steps failed “Activate Instant Recovery” job logs will have details about the failure and error code.
If Export a backup image fails look at /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbfsd on media server.
Mount backup image fails look at /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbfsd on VM Proxy host and also the Virtual Center Task and Events.
Activate VM fails look at /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpVMutil on VM Proxy host and also the Virtual Center Task and Events.


Binaries on Linux can be found in:

Pre NetBackup

If NetBackup is version or 7.6.x:


To change vSphere timeouts and logging values on Linux

  1. On the Linux backup host, create (or open) the following file:


  1. To change a timeout value, enter a new dword line under [BACKUP], using the appropriate name (such as jobtimeout or poweroptimeout).  Include a value for the timeout. For example:

This example sets the job timeout to 60 seconds.
Note: If the file already contains a [BACKUP] line, do not add another [BACKUP] line.  Any other lines that already exist under [BACKUP] should remain as they are.

  1. To change the level of vSphere API logging, enter a dword line for vmcloglevel with a logging value, under [BACKUP].  For example:

The allowed values are 0 through 6, where 0 is no logging and 6 is the highest log level.

Editing SymVmTools entries
Create a file called /etc/SymVmTools/VmTools.cfg.
The format of this file will be key=value with one key value pair per line.  See an example below:


VMware Instant Access

Verify the Elastic Search Service and Storage Platform Web Service are running

  • # systemctl status pdde es
  • # systemctl status pdde spws


Master Server







Media Server

Purpose of Logs

Log Location


This is on storage server and it records every Instant Access request coming from customer.



SPWS runs under non-root privileges, so to do any root operations backend is required. If errors are not seen in spws.log, then details can be seen in this log.



There is a monitor at storage side which keeps track of retention period, so if retention of mount is reached then clean up is done. Details are in this log file.



This is used for importing OST image to VPFS image, if there is any issue with VMDK mounting, then check this log (not able to browse or not seeing any content in vmdk).



cata2map is the binary for conversion of OST image to VPFS image. If the mounting fails , then first we can check this log to see if the import from OST to VPFS went wrong or not.



On the Appliances all Instant Access logs can be found in:

  • /log/vpfs/

To easily gather the logs for an Instant Access operation you are about to perform run the below:

  • # tail -f /log/vpfs/*

When the screen stops scrolling, hit Enter a few times to create a significant gap on the screen.


Then perform the Instant Access operation that is failing.  The log will be capture on the screen in the exact process flow so you can easily trace the issue.  Make sure your screen buffer is large enough to capture the information.


VMware Agentless Recovery




Master Server








Media Server








Restore Host











Target VM



<TEMP|TMP PATH>\{GUID}\NetBackup\logs\tar


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