From a WEB browser connect to the Data Domain system that is experiencing the issue related to either backups or restores from it.
The user will need to provide a user ID and a password to logon to the Data Domain device. Figure 1 is an example of how the logon screen will look.
Fig. 1
After getting logged into the Data Domain the user will be presented a menu. See Figure 2.
Fig. 2
Select the Maintenance tab along the row of option under the Data Domain host name.
Then select the support option and from the task menu select the option to create a support bundle. See Figure 3.
Fig. 3
After this completes select the Support Bundles option and then select the support bundle that was just created. Have the customer save this file to a local disk and e-mail or place in on the FTP server so it can be collected and reviewed. See Figure 4 for an example.
Fig. 4
This support bundle is just like the nbsu utility in NetBackup it gathers several reports from the Data Domain device. The log is one of the reports that is gathered. This log can be compared or used in conjunction with the NetBackup logs when troubleshooting issues associated to reads or writes to that Data Domain device. The support bundle will contain multiple files that are gathered and the file is one of these reports. This log file will help identify if there are any certain events occurring on the Data Domain device at the same or around the time frame that NetBackup experiences a problem.