Oracle Data Guard error : No such device or address

Article: 100033454
Last Published: 2019-01-11
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


The Oracle Data Guard Broker (DMON) logged the following errors:
ksfdrnms:Mirror Read file=/db/orasid1/broker/dr1orasid1_stdby.dat fob=46d010c28 bufp=ffffffff7c030000 nbytes=4096
ksfdrnms:Read failed from mirror side=2
continue to read from next mirror
ORA-17500: ODM err:ODM ERROR V-41-4-1-253-6 No such device or address

Error Message

From the alert log file  (alert_orasid1.log):

Tue Aug 02 19:50:48 2016
Starting Data Guard Broker (DMON)
Errors in file /db/orasid1/dba/diag/rdbms/orasid1_stdby/orasid1/trace/orasid1_dmon_1879.trc:
ORA-17500: ODM err:ODM ERROR V-41-4-1-253-6 No such device or address

NOTE : See attached alert log file for detailed errors. 


Those errors were logged because the Oracle Data Guard broker tried to read from a VxVM (Veritas Volume Manager) volume, using the ODM (Oracle Disk Manager) interface, while the VxVM volume has a snapshot.

A volume snapshot will always be in Write-Only (WO) mode. When ODM tries to read a Write-Only snapshot mirror, VxVM will return an error. This error is then passed to the Oracle Data Guard broker.
# vxsnap -g dg addmir volsnap.

# vxprint -th -g dg volsnap
v  volsnap      -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   409600   SELECT    -        fsgen
pl volsnap-01   volsnap      ENABLED  ACTIVE   409600   CONCAT    -        RW
sd datadg02-04  volsnap-01   datadg02 5218304  409600   0         disk_5   ENA
pl volsnap-02   volsnap      ENABLED  SNAPDONE 409600   CONCAT    -        WO   
<<< volume snapshot - WRITE ONLY
sd datadg01-06  volsnap-02   datadg01 13606912 409600   0         disk_4   ENA
dc volsnap_dco  volsnap      volsnap_dcl
v  volsnap_dcl  -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   67840    SELECT    -        gen


The ODM errors that are logged in the above scenario are harmless and can be ignored. This applies to the errors that are generated by the Oracle Data Guard broker when a VxVM snapshot (in the "Write-Only" state) is involved.

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