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Article: 100033454
Last Published: 2019-01-11
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation
The Oracle Data Guard Broker (DMON) logged the following errors:
ksfdrnms:Mirror Read file=/db/orasid1/broker/dr1orasid1_stdby.dat fob=46d010c28 bufp=ffffffff7c030000 nbytes=4096
ksfdrnms:Read failed from mirror side=2
continue to read from next mirror
ORA-17500: ODM err:ODM ERROR V-41-4-1-253-6 No such device or address
ksfdrnms:Read failed from mirror side=2
continue to read from next mirror
ORA-17500: ODM err:ODM ERROR V-41-4-1-253-6 No such device or address
Error Message
From the alert log file (alert_orasid1.log):Tue Aug 02 19:50:48 2016
Starting Data Guard Broker (DMON)
Errors in file /db/orasid1/dba/diag/rdbms/orasid1_stdby/orasid1/trace/orasid1_dmon_1879.trc:
ORA-17500: ODM err:ODM ERROR V-41-4-1-253-6 No such device or address
NOTE : See attached alert log file for detailed errors.
Those errors were logged because the Oracle Data Guard broker tried to read from a VxVM (Veritas Volume Manager) volume, using the ODM (Oracle Disk Manager) interface, while the VxVM volume has a snapshot.A volume snapshot will always be in Write-Only (WO) mode. When ODM tries to read a Write-Only snapshot mirror, VxVM will return an error. This error is then passed to the Oracle Data Guard broker.
# vxsnap -g dg addmir volsnap.
# vxprint -th -g dg volsnap
v volsnap - ENABLED ACTIVE 409600 SELECT - fsgen
pl volsnap-01 volsnap ENABLED ACTIVE 409600 CONCAT - RW
sd datadg02-04 volsnap-01 datadg02 5218304 409600 0 disk_5 ENA
pl volsnap-02 volsnap ENABLED SNAPDONE 409600 CONCAT - WO <<< volume snapshot - WRITE ONLY
sd datadg01-06 volsnap-02 datadg01 13606912 409600 0 disk_4 ENA
dc volsnap_dco volsnap volsnap_dcl
v volsnap_dcl - ENABLED ACTIVE 67840 SELECT - gen
# vxprint -th -g dg volsnap
v volsnap - ENABLED ACTIVE 409600 SELECT - fsgen
pl volsnap-01 volsnap ENABLED ACTIVE 409600 CONCAT - RW
sd datadg02-04 volsnap-01 datadg02 5218304 409600 0 disk_5 ENA
pl volsnap-02 volsnap ENABLED SNAPDONE 409600 CONCAT - WO <<< volume snapshot - WRITE ONLY
sd datadg01-06 volsnap-02 datadg01 13606912 409600 0 disk_4 ENA
dc volsnap_dco volsnap volsnap_dcl
v volsnap_dcl - ENABLED ACTIVE 67840 SELECT - gen