V-Ray Edition License Information screen shows Tier-A licenses needed

Article: 100032145
Last Published: 2016-03-22
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec


When reviewing the License Information screen inside the Backup Exec Administration Console, the Tier A licenses may be lighted in red with a Licenses Used Count with 0 Licenses Detected against Tier A. This will happen even though the server appears to be licensed for V-Ray and Virtual Agent jobs have been running well beyond the trial period requirements. The license info screen will look similar to the image below:
V-Ray License Information Screen
Note: A V-Ray installation in this condition may also trigger regular alerts regarding license requirements although backup jobs should continue to run. 


This is caused because of a misunderstanding about the use of Tier licensing in V-Ray installations.
  • Tier A licenses are for virtual hosts with up to 6 cores per CPU, and are licensed per CPU
  • Tier B licenses are for virtual hosts with 8 or more cores per CPU and are licensed per CPU
  • Tier B licenses cost more than Tier A as the support a potentially larger environment.
  • Despite the increased cost Tier B licenses are not downwardly compatible with a Tier A installations. As such you must use Tier A licenses against Tier A hosts 


Purchase the correctly Tier of licenses for to cover the technology in the virtual hosts in use.
  • If only Tier A is in use then do not install/enable Tier B licenses
  • If only Tier B is in use then do not install/enable Tier A licenses
  • If a mixed environment of Tier A and Tier B is in use the install/enable the correct number of license for each Tier
If the wrong licenses have been purchased based on the information in this article, contact the reseller and arrange for the correct licenses.

Note: For details of some specific situation where Backup Exec protecting a virtual environment may overcount the number of physical virtual hosts against the V-Ray licenses please review the related articles section (located in the right-hand sidebar)

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