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How to Configure Backup Exec Cloud Connector for all Storage Classes of Google (Nearline/Coldline/Regional/Multi-Regional)
Article: 100031532
Last Published: 2015-11-13
Ratings: 0 2
Product(s): Backup Exec
Backup Exec provides the ability to use Google cloud storage class Nearline, Google cloud storage Coldline, Google Cloud Storage Regional, and Google Cloud Storage Multi-regional.About Google storage class - Nearline, Coldline, Regional, and Multi-Regional
Google Cloud Storage class Nearline: A bucket/container created over Google Cloud storage to store documents or data that is accessed less than once a month.
Google Cloud Storage class Coldline: A bucket/container created over Google Cloud storage to store documents or data accessed less than once a year.
Google Cloud Storage Class Regional: A bucket/container created over Google Cloud Storage to store data and run data analytics accessed frequently in one part of the world.
Google Cloud Storage class Multi-Regional: A bucket/container created over Google Cloud storage to stream videos and host hot web content that is accessed frequently around the world.

Note: The Regional cloud storage class is supported starting with Backup Exec 16 Feature Pack 2.
To configure Backup Exec Cloud Connector for Google Cloud Storage Nearline/Coldline/Regional/Multi-Regional, you must have the following items:
- A Google Cloud Platform account.
- A Google S3 interoperability access key. This is generated in the Google Developers Console.
- A Google S3 interoperability secret key. This is generated in the Google Developers Console.
- A Google storage bucket (Nearline or Coldline as per the customer’s requirement).
Ensure the bucket names meet the following Backup Exec requirements:
- Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (or hyphens).
- Bucket names cannot begin with a dash (or a hypen).
To configure Backup Exec Cloud Connector for Google Cloud Storage Nearline/Coldline/Regional/Multi-Regional:- On the Storage tab, click Configure Cloud Storage then skip to step 4 below.
- Select Network storage, and then click Next.
- Select Cloud storage, and then click Next.
- Enter the name and description that you want to use for this cloud storage device, and then click Next.
- Select S3 as the cloud storage provider, and then click Next.
- Click the Cloud Storage dropdown and select Google.
- Click Add/Edit next to the Logon account field.
- On the Logon Account Selection dialog box, click Add.
- On the Add Logon Credentials dialog box, do the following:
- In the User name field, type the Google access key.
- In the Password field, type the Google secret key.
- In the Confirm password field, type the Google secret key again.
- In the Account name field, type a name for this logon account.
- Click OK twice.
- Select the Google logon account that you created in step 9, and then click Next.
- Select the Google storage bucket as the logical storage unit that you want to use, and then click Next.
- Review the summary, and then click Finish.