How to use FLTMC.exe to load and unload the evfilter mini-filter driver for Enterprise Vault (EV) for File System Archiving (FSA)

Article: 100029784
Last Published: 2020-05-01
Ratings: 7 1
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


How to use FLTMC.exe to load and unload the evfilter mini-filter driver for Enterprise Vault (EV) for File System Archiving (FSA).


The FLTMC.exe command is run from an Administrator CMD prompt on the Windows file server.  The syntax is as follows:
  • To unload the EvFilter driver:

    Fltmc unload EvFilter
  • To load the EvFilter driver:

    Fltmc load EvFilter
  • To view all instances of loaded drivers: 

    Fltmc instances
  • To attach the driver to a specific volume:

    Fltmc attach EvFilter C:
  • To detach the driver from a specific volume:

    Fltmc detach EvFilter C:  

Note:   The Enterprise Vault File Placeholder Service on the file server should be restarted after unloading and reloading the filter driver. 

For troubleshooting purposes the results can be saved to a text file. The syntax would be the same as above adding > [File name and path]

i.e.: Fltmc instances > C:\FilterInstance.log

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