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How to disable or enable AIX native Multi-Path I/O (MPIO) for LUNs with Array Product PID with the vxmpio utility
Article: 100028373
Last Published: 2019-06-06
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation
Previous procedures to disable AIX MPIO multipathing to allow VxVM-DMP multipathing control required multiple steps including the download and installation of ODM array definitions from the array vendor. .
Veritas now provides the vxmpio utility which will disable or enable MPIO for array specific LUNs.
What follows is a vxmpio-disable and vxmpio-enable procedure walkthrough of the vxmpio utility.
Procedure to disable AIX native MPIO multipathing to establish VxVM-DMP multipathing
1.0 We need to identify the SAN array LUNs provisioned to the host.
* With
vxdisk list we can display the
DEVICE of interest.
* Notice VxVM Enclosure Based Naming (EBN) is enabled. We can identify the EMC storage LUNs.
# vxdisk -eo alldgs list
emc0_0 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk1 -
emc0_1 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk2 -
emc0_2 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk3 -
emc0_3 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk4 -
emc0_4 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk5 -
emc0_5 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk6 -
emc0_6 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk7 -
emc0_7 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk8 -
emc0_8 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk9 -
emc0_9 auto:none - - online invalid hdisk10 -
ibm_ds8x000_0 auto:LVM - - LVM hdisk0 -
* We can distinguish the
emc0 and the
ibm_ds8x0000_0 LUNs
* Our objective is place the EMC LUNs under VxVM-DMP multipathing control.
* But what is the AIX native MPIO multipathing status with the EMC LUNs?
2.0 We can check which devices are MPIO managed.
* We know from
vxdisk-list we can reference the device
* It appears all LUNs in this lsdev-disk are under MPIO multipathing
# lsdev -c disk
hdisk0 Available 30-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk4 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk5 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk6 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk7 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk8 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk9 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk10 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk11 Available 35-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
* But we need to identify-confirm the EMC LUNs and we need to determine the PID for the vxmpio command
Note: If your lsdev -c disk output displays the following similar array specific error
# /etc/vx/bin/vxmpio disable pid=SYMMETRIX
VxVM vxmpio ERROR V-5-2-5826 MPIO already disabled, model_name 'SYMMETRIX' already exists in ODM
* this indicates the EMC Symmetrix was previously defined in the AIX ODM database for MPIO multipathing.
In order to use the vxmpio utility you will need revert the previous ODM procedures for disk management.
Consult AIX procedures on the initial setup of MPIO and ODM. vxmpio utility assumes the new installation default AIX setup of MPIO.
2.1 How many paths does VxVM-DMP see?
# vxdisk list emc0_0
Device: emc0_0
devicetag: emc0_0
type: auto
info: format=none
flags: online ready private autoconfig invalid
pubpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/emc0_0 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0
guid: -
udid: EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000192600969%5F6900C84000
site: -
Multipathing information:
numpaths: 1
hdisk1 state=enabled
<<<<<<<< VxVM see a single psuedo MPIO device path
# vxdisk list emc0_1
Device: emc0_1
devicetag: emc0_1
type: auto
info: format=none
flags: online ready private autoconfig invalid
pubpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/emc0_1 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_1
guid: -
udid: EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000192600969%5F6900C85000
site: -
Multipathing information:
numpaths: 1
hdisk2 state=enabled
<<<<<<<< VxVM see a single psuedo MPIO device path
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths
hdisk1 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk2 ENABLED(A) - emc0_1 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk3 ENABLED(A) - emc0_2 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk4 ENABLED(A) - emc0_3 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk5 ENABLED(A) - emc0_4 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk6 ENABLED(A) - emc0_5 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk7 ENABLED(A) - emc0_6 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk8 ENABLED(A) - emc0_7 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk9 ENABLED(A) - emc0_8 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk10 ENABLED(A) - emc0_9 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk0 ENABLED(A) - ibm_ds8x000_0 ibm_ds8x000 fscsi0 -
# vxdisk path
hdisk1 emc0_0 - - ENABLED
hdisk2 emc0_1 - - ENABLED
hdisk3 emc0_2 - - ENABLED
hdisk4 emc0_3 - - ENABLED
hdisk5 emc0_4 - - ENABLED
hdisk6 emc0_5 - - ENABLED
hdisk7 emc0_6 - - ENABLED
hdisk8 emc0_7 - - ENABLED
hdisk9 emc0_8 - - ENABLED
hdisk10 emc0_9 - - ENABLED
hdisk0 ibm_ds8x000_0 - - ENABLED
* Clearly AIX native MPIO multipathing is active; VxVM DMP is just a passenger.
* This is a Veritas unsupported configuration for VxVM-DMP and AIX
3.0 Now confirm-identify the EMC LUNs and determine the EMC PID
# lscfg -vl hdisk0
hdisk0 U9117.MMB.1017B7P-V6-C430-T1-W50050763090386B5-L0 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
Manufacturer................IBM <<<<<<<<<<<< array source
Machine Type and Model......2107900 <<<<<<<<<<<< PID
Part Number.................
ROS Level and ID............2E323436
Serial Number...............75TK2710
EC Level....................
FRU Number..................
Device Specific.(Z0)........000005329F101002
Device Specific.(Z1)........82D
Device Specific.(Z2)........075
Device Specific.(Z3)........05510
Device Specific.(Z4)........
Device Specific.(Z5)........
Device Specific.(Z6)........
# lscfg -vl hdisk1
hdisk1 U9117.MMB.1017B7P-V6-C431-T1-W50000972080F2561-L0 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
Manufacturer................EMC <<<<<<<<<<<<< array source
Machine Type and Model......SYMMETRIX <<<<<<<<<<<<< PID
Part Number.................
ROS Level and ID............35383734
Serial Number...............69C84000
EC Level....................`.i
FRU Number..................D0
Device Specific.(Z0)........000004329008100A
Device Specific.(Z1)........@
Device Specific.(Z2)........
Device Specific.(Z3)........
Device Specific.(Z4)........T.
Device Specific.(Z5)..........
# lscfg -vl hdisk11
hdisk11 U9117.MMB.1017B7P-V6-C435-T1-W50000972080F2524-L0 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
Manufacturer................EMC <<<<<<<<<<<<< array source
Machine Type and Model......SYMMETRIX <<<<<<<<<<<<< PID
Part Number.................
ROS Level and ID............35383734
Serial Number...............69246000
EC Level........................i
FRU Number..................D0
Device Specific.(Z0)........000004329008100A
Device Specific.(Z1)........@
Device Specific.(Z2)........
Device Specific.(Z3)........
Device Specific.(Z4)........U.
Device Specific.(Z5)..........
* We need to disable MPIO multipathing EMC LUNs using the PID "SYMMETRIX" string
4.0 Before we disable MPIO we need to temporarily remove VxVM "view" or "claim" of the LUNs.
* The vxmpio command will complain the EMC LUNs are in use
# for d in `vxdisk list | grep emc0_ | awk '{print $1}'`; do vxdisk rm $d; done
* recheck vxdisk-list
# vxdisk -eo alldgs list
ibm_ds8x000_0 auto:LVM - - LVM hdisk0 -
* VxVM is now released from the EMC LUNs
5.0 We can now disable AIX native MPIO multipathing for the EMC LUNs
* We will use the
vxmpio utility
Important: vxmpio use with SAN root/boot disks
Do not use vxmpio to unmanage MPIO controlled SAN root/boot disks. The vxmpio utility was not designed to handle SAN boot disks, the utility will be enhanced to report a user friendly error message going forward, until we can support it. Here we are disabling MPIO on EMC disks.
Do not use vxmpio to unmanage MPIO controlled SAN root/boot disks. The vxmpio utility was not designed to handle SAN boot disks, the utility will be enhanced to report a user friendly error message going forward, until we can support it. Here we are disabling MPIO on EMC disks.
# /etc/vx/bin/vxmpio disable pid=SYMMETRIX
Running bosboot ..
bosboot: Boot image is 46917 512 byte blocks.
VxVM vxmpio INFO V-5-2-5828 Please reboot the machine to disable MPIO support for SYMMETRIX
* vxmpio-disable completed but a reboot is required
# reboot
6.0 Now check the lsdev-disk device output
* Notice what is different with this output (compare with 2.0 above)
# lsdev -c disk
hdisk0 Available 30-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive <<<< IBM LVM LUN
hdisk1 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive <<<< EMC multi-device paths per LUN
hdisk2 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk4 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk5 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk6 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk7 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk8 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk9 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk10 Available 31-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk11 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk12 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk13 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk14 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk15 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk16 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk17 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk18 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk19 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk20 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk21 Available 35-T1-01 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
* Notice "MPIO Other" is now just "Other" with MPIO vxmpio-disabled EMC LUNs
* Also notice there are now twice as many "hdisk" devices (11 count prior to vxmpio-disable)
# lsdev -c disk |egrep -v MPIO |egrep -c "Other"
* This means the hdisk# are device paths for each EMC LUN
* Notice too VxVM vxdisk-path sees two paths per EMC "DANAME"
# vxdisk path
hdisk18 emc0_0c8a - - ENABLED
hdisk7 emc0_0c8a - - ENABLED
hdisk19 emc0_0c8b - - ENABLED
hdisk8 emc0_0c8b - - ENABLED
hdisk20 emc0_0c8c - - ENABLED
hdisk9 emc0_0c8c - - ENABLED
hdisk21 emc0_0c8d - - ENABLED
hdisk10 emc0_0c8d - - ENABLED
hdisk12 emc0_0c84 - - ENABLED
hdisk1 emc0_0c84 - - ENABLED
hdisk13 emc0_0c85 - - ENABLED
hdisk2 emc0_0c85 - - ENABLED
hdisk14 emc0_0c86 - - ENABLED
hdisk3 emc0_0c86 - - ENABLED
hdisk15 emc0_0c87 - - ENABLED
hdisk4 emc0_0c87 - - ENABLED
hdisk16 emc0_0c88 - - ENABLED
hdisk5 emc0_0c88 - - ENABLED
hdisk17 emc0_0c89 - - ENABLED
hdisk6 emc0_0c89 - - ENABLED
hdisk0 ibm_ds8x000_0 - - ENABLED
7.0 With MPIO multipathing out-of-the-way or disabled for the EMC LUNs, VxVM DMP multipathing --rescanned after reboot-- is now in control.
* vxdmpadm display multiple paths per "DMPNODENAME"
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths
hdisk1 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c84 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk12 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c84 emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk13 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c85 emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk2 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c85 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk14 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c86 emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk3 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c86 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk15 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c87 emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk4 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c87 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk16 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c88 emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk5 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c88 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk17 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c89 emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk6 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c89 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk18 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8a emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk7 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8a emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk19 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8b emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk8 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8b emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk20 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8c emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk9 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8c emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk10 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8d emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk21 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0c8d emc0 fscsi2 -
hdisk0 ENABLED(A) - ibm_ds8x000_0 ibm_ds8x000 fscsi0 -
* vxdisk-list dmpnodename
# vxdisk list emc0_0c84
Device: emc0_0c84
devicetag: emc0_0c84
type: auto
info: format=none
flags: online ready private autoconfig invalid
pubpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/emc0_0c84 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/emc0_0c84
guid: -
udid: EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000192600969%5F6900C84000
site: -
Multipathing information:
numpaths: 2
hdisk12 state=enabled <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
hdisk1 state=enabled <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Procedure RE-ENABLE AIX Native MPIO multipathing with the vxmpio utility
65.0 Procedure to enable MPIO support (MPIO will do the multipathing):
Execute following command:
/etc/vx/bin/vxmpio enable pid=< product_id >
# /etc/vx/bin/vxmpio enable pid=SYMMETRIX
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/ucfgdevice):
0514-062 Cannot perform the requested function because the
specified device is busy.
VxVM vxmpio ERROR V-5-2-5825 Failed to remove devices hdisk12
65.1 Above command failed because devices tied to VxVM at this time appear “busy”
* The vxmpio operation fails. We need to remove devices from VxVM and re-run vxmpio-enable command again.
* Be sure do vxdisk rm on each device to release all open counts.
# for d in `vxdisk list | grep emc0_ | awk '{print $1}'`; do vxdisk rm $d; done
# vxdisk list
ibm_ds8x000_0 auto:LVM - - LVM
66.0 Use vxmpio command to return MPIO multipathing to the EMC LUNs
# /etc/vx/bin/vxmpio enable pid=SYMMETRIX
hdisk1 deleted
hdisk2 deleted
hdisk3 deleted
hdisk4 deleted
hdisk5 deleted
hdisk6 deleted
hdisk7 deleted
hdisk8 deleted
hdisk9 deleted
hdisk10 deleted
hdisk11 deleted
hdisk12 deleted
hdisk13 deleted
hdisk14 deleted
hdisk15 deleted
hdisk16 deleted
hdisk17 deleted
hdisk18 deleted
hdisk19 deleted
hdisk20 deleted
hdisk21 deleted
Running bosboot ..
bosboot: Boot image is 46914 512 byte blocks.
VxVM vxmpio INFO V-5-2-5829 Please reboot the machine to enable MPIO support for SYMMETRIX
* Reboot the system to see if MPIO is enabled for devices or not.
67.0 After reboot we see MPIO is back
# lsdev -c disk
hdisk0 Available 30-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk4 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk5 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk6 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk7 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk8 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk9 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk10 Available 31-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk11 Available 35-T1-01 MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
* MPIO multipathing now presents psuedo devices to VxVM-DMP
67.1 We see VxVM-DMP sees the single pseudo device path per LUN from MPIO
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths
hdisk1 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk2 ENABLED(A) - emc0_1 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk3 ENABLED(A) - emc0_2 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk4 ENABLED(A) - emc0_3 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk5 ENABLED(A) - emc0_4 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk6 ENABLED(A) - emc0_5 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk7 ENABLED(A) - emc0_6 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk8 ENABLED(A) - emc0_7 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk9 ENABLED(A) - emc0_8 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk10 ENABLED(A) - emc0_9 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk0 ENABLED(A) - ibm_ds8x000_0 ibm_ds8x000 fscsi0 -
(AIX)(c1062-p7701-mp4) /{4.EN_US}
* The count is now 10 EMC devices (pseudo devices)
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths |egrep -c emc0_10
68.0 Furthermore we see MPIO multipathing is back in control with the EMC LUNs with lspath command
If you check following command then you see MPIO is managing two paths:
# lspath -l hdisk1
Enabled hdisk1 fscsi1
Enabled hdisk1 fscsi2
# lspath -l hdisk10
Enabled hdisk10 fscsi1
Enabled hdisk10 fscsi2
* VxVM-DMP is now just a passenger with MPIO multipathing in the driver seat presenting the pseudo device per LUN
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths
hdisk1 ENABLED(A) - emc0_0 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk2 ENABLED(A) - emc0_1 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk3 ENABLED(A) - emc0_2 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk4 ENABLED(A) - emc0_3 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk5 ENABLED(A) - emc0_4 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk6 ENABLED(A) - emc0_5 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk7 ENABLED(A) - emc0_6 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk8 ENABLED(A) - emc0_7 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk9 ENABLED(A) - emc0_8 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk10 ENABLED(A) - emc0_9 emc0 fscsi1 -
hdisk0 ENABLED(A) - ibm_ds8x000_0 ibm_ds8x000 fscsi0 -
Applies To
AIX environments with SAN array attached LUNs where native AIX MPIO multipathing is enabled.