Backup jobs fails with the error: "0xe000ff15 - A communication failure has occurred with a system state/shadow copy resource."

Article: 100025465
Last Published: 2020-07-10
Ratings: 1 1
Product(s): Backup Exec


Backup jobs fails with the error: "0xe000ff15 - A communication failure has occurred with a system state/shadow copy resource." 

Error Message

0xe000ff15 - A communication failure has occurred with a system state/shadow copy resource.

UMI Code: V-79-57344-65301 : 0xe000ff15 - A communications failure has occurred with a System State resource.

Solution 1

To resolve the issue please follow the steps below :

1. Use a different set of ports for whichever application is using the port(s) in conflict with Backup Exec. For detailed information on port usage with Backup Exec, refer the following article : V-370-59792-00041 - How to configure Backup Exec with Firewalls

2. Change the port range inside Backup Exec:

       a.  Open Backup Exec Settings
       b.  In the left pane, click Network and Security
       d.   For Enable TCP dynamic port range, specify a port range that does not conflict with existing applications installed on all servers within the network.
Note : If the Enable TCP dynamic port range check box is not selected, Backup Exec will use the port range of 1025 - 65535.

Solution 2

1. Unable to backup system resources when snapshot technology is enabled in the backup options:
 a.      Go to the properties of the backup job - Under Advanced Open File - Select System -  Use Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider. 
 b.       Verify if the " Volume Shadow Copy" and " Microsoft Software Shadow Copy" services are stopped and set to manual on the target servers.
 c.      From the command prompt on the Target Server, run VSSADMIN LIST WRITERS and confirm if the status of all the writers are stable. If the status is anything but stable, reboot target Server then check if the issue persists.

2. VSS snapshots require a certain amount of system resources in order to perform the backup.

       a. The local system volume should have an adequate amount of hard disk space available.  For volumes of typical size, at least 1GB of free space should be available.

       b. The computer must also have an adequate amount of RAM to run installed applications and roles on the system. See Microsoft requirements for recommended RAM.



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