Update the IP address for the virtual hostname in /etc/hosts on both cluster nodes.
You will also have to change the virtual address in the NetBackup Service Group.
After you have offlined NBU & before you shutdown the servers, freeze NBU service group persistent to prevent NBU from coming online automatically:
haconf -makerw
hagrp -freeze <group> -persistent
haconf -dump -makero
(You can also use the GUI to do all of the above)
After physical IP's have been changed and systems have been rebooted, verify that the heartbeats and cluster comms are fine:
gabconfig -a
Verify that both port a and h are online (b as well for IO fencing) :
# gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen 7d3701 membership 01
Port b gen 7d3704 membership 01
Port h gen 7d3704 membership 01
Update NBU virtual IP & netmask either via GUI or cmd (verify nbu IP resource name using 'hares -list'):
haconf -makerw
hares -modify nbu_ip Address ""
hares -modify nbu_ip NetMask ""
hagrp -unfreeze <group> -persistent
haconf -dump -makero
Probe all NBU Service group resources on both nodes.
Online NBU service group.
Verify all processes using bpps -x on active node.
There is nothing to do on NBU side since hostnames and virtual hostname remains the same.
Check to make sure proper hostname lookup - forward and reverse - between master(s), media server(s) and all clients, whether you are using DNS or local hosts files.
Ensure all hosts files and/or DNS is updated and all names resolve correctly before performing any NBU tests.