How to change an index location using "Change Location" wizard in Enterprise Vault Admin Console

Article: 100024439
Last Published: 2022-03-28
Ratings: 4 1
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Note: This article is applicable to the 32-bit and 64-bit non-Elasticsearch index locations. In Enterprise Vault 14.2 and later, if you want to change the Elasticsearch Index location, follow the instructions in the following article:

Using the Enterprise Vault Admin Console's "Change Location" wizard to move the index locations of an archive on to a new location.

Please refer to the Related articles section for other documents related to moving index locations.


  • The Change Location wizard allows the move of an archive’s index volumes from one physical location to another.
  • This wizard does not copy the index data.
  • This copy must be done manually before using the wizard to make the necessary changes in Enterprise Vault.
  1. Stop all Enterprise Vault Services to prevent any unexpected updates.
  2. Backup the Enterprise Vault SQL Databases (EnterpriseVaultDirectory and Vault Store) and the Enterprise Vault Server (EV Index locations and Vault Store Partitions).  The backups will allow for quicker recovery should the changes need to be reversed.
  3. After the backups have completed, restart the Enterprise Vault services.
  4. Stop the Archiving Task that is used to archive items into the archive that is to have the index volume move to prevent any new items from being added to the index while the move operation is progressing.
  5. Prior to moving the index, the new location for it must exist in the Enterprise Vault Indexing Service Properties page > Index Locations tab.  In order to add a new index location, the new folder to contain the index volumes must be either created through the Add Index Location process or must have be previously created.  To create a new index location:
    1. In the EV Admin Console, expand the folders in the left panel to the Services folder under the EV server hosting the EV Indexing Service.
    2. Right click on the Enterprise Vault Indexing Service and select the Properties option.
    3. Click on the Index Locations tab.
    4. Click the Add... button to open the Choose Folder page.
    5. Change the drive letter as needed to reference the drive to host the new index locations.
    6. Expand the drive to see the existing folders.
    7. If the new folder
      1. currently exists, click on it to select it.
      2. If the new folder does not currently exist, click the New Folder button to create the new folder.
    8. Click the OK button to complete the folder selection / creation process.
    9. Click the Apply and then the OK buttons to complete the process to create the new index location.
  6. Under EV Admin Console, click left navigation pane, right click on Archives -> Find Archive -> search and double click on the archive whose index volumes need to be moved.
  7. Under the Archive Properties, click on Index Volumes tab -> Details -> Select the index volume you wish to move -> Actions -> Set Index Volume Offline. A warning will pop up stating that offline volumes cannot be searched. Click YES and proceed.
  8. Right click and copy the information to clip board, make a note of the copied information.
  9. Copy the "Location" of this volume and navigate to it in Windows Explorer.
  10. Copy the index volume folder and paste it to the new location manually.
  11. Go back to the archive Properties page -> Index Volumes -> click on Manage Indexes -> select Change Location option.
  12. Explanation of the following: 
  • The Change location wizard helps move an archive’s index volumes from one location to another.
  • The wizard does not copy the index data. This must be done this manually and then use the wizard to make the necessary changes in Enterprise Vault.
  • When run, the Change location wizard will prompt to specify if the index volume contents have been moved.  This is to indicate whether the copy action for the index data to the new location has been completed or that copy will be completed later.
  1. Click on Add and select the archive in concern.  Click Next.
  2. Select the new location for the index volume and click Next.
  3. Check the box that says The index volumes have been copied to the new location and click Next.
  4. Copy to clipboard and make a note of the displayed information of "Target" and "Source" locations for your reference.
  5. Click Next and click Create Task.
  6. When the task completes, start the Archiving Task that was stopped in Step 4.

Note: This task will not run until the Index Administration Task schedule triggers. To manually run it, go to the tasks -> index administration task -> right click and do Run Now.

The progress of the task can be monitored  from Indexing -> right click and select Monitor Indexing Tasks -> click on the Change Location sub-task that was created above.

Post the change location job is completed, if there are any issues with the index volumes on the new index location, kindly open an Enterprise Vault Support case for assistance.

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