Restore of Exchange mailbox items from a successful GRT backup fail with errors "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.". Exit status = 5.
The Exchange 2010 GRT backups appear to be successful. When the Backup, Archive, and Restore Interface is opened from the master or the active DAG mail server, the GRT mailbox branch can be expanded and the mailbox item can be selected for the restore job (note: The GRT restore selections CANNOT be displayed from the CAS servers); however, all restore jobs fail with "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found." and "Exit status = 5" errors
Error Message
Job details:
19:01:23 (1821.001) ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\ExchCAS01\Microsoft Information Store\DAG01DB02\Database\Michael Corleone [mcorleone], rai error = 17
19:01:27.458 [11801] <16> bpbrm Exit: client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
TraceType:: EwsResponseHttpHeaders
TraceMessage:: <EwsLogEntry EntryKind="EwsResponseHttpHeaders" ThreadId="1" Timestamp="14/04/2011 19:01:25">404 Not Found
19:00:42.588 [13096.9400] <16> _nbfs_mount_info_get_name: WNetOpenEnum() failed, error = 50
19:00:42.588 [13096.9400] <16> _nbfs_mount_info_set: unable to determine last export name
19:01:27.423 [8340.8852] <16> _nbfs_mount_info_update: RegOpenKeyEx() failed, error = 2
2,51216,309,352,6365,1302800485847,12744,3860,0:,0:,0:,2,(28|A142:ERR - FS_OpenObj() Failure! (0xE000FEA9:The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details. )|)
2,51216,309,352,6366,1302800485847,12744,3860,0:,0:,0:,2,(28|A33:ERR - create() failed, status = 6|)
2,51216,309,352,6367,1302800485847,12744,3860,0:,0:,0:,2,(28|A42:ERR - create and write failure, status = 6|)
2,51216,158,352,633,1302800485847,12744,3860,0:,0:,0:,2,(11|A284:\\ExchCAS01\Microsoft Information Store\DAG01DB02\Database\Michael Corleone [mcorleone]\Top of Information Store\Inbox\AXE\<No Subject> <00000000a864a2c6d7e7e2449189c48a1dfa8b7407004e78d2a4358efa478e7081163ea64136000000010650000095cf4d0c6f1f044fa9a9b93096
A review of debug logs and output files from the NBSU diagnostic utility pointed to problems with name resolution for the CAS array name ('clientaccess') as found by running the 'bpclntcmd -hn' commands from the master server; which returns the server name and IP Address for the active DAG MAILBOX server (not a CAS server as it should).
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -hn clientaccess
host ExchMbx03 at
aliases: ExchMbx03
.{On the Active Exchange 2010 DAG-Mailbox server: ExchMbx03}:
Opened the Exchange Power Shell interface
* Ran > get-mailboxdatabase DAG01DB02 | fl > \db.txt
Opened the 'db.txt' file and searched for the "rpcClientAccessServer" entry
- rpcClientAccessServer entry =
Note: The above commands confirmed the Client Name for all DAG restore jobs:; and now we have to configure this name as an alias in name resolution on the master-media server (using local 'hosts' file) and for all the DAG servers (using ONLY DNS).
After making the above changes to the local 'hosts' file on the master-media servers and in the DNS for all the DAG serevers; the Exchange 2010 GRT mailbox item restore jobs were successfully ran from the CAS server "ExchCAS01" AND from the 'Active' DAG MAILBOX server 'ExchMbx03'.
Applies To
Exchange 2010 DAG Environment:
* Master-Media Server: Master01 - Linux RedHat 5.4 - running NetBackup 7.x
* Disk Storage: DSU_Dedup | Disk Type: PureDisk | Use only Media Server: Master01 | Disk Pool: DiskPool_Dedup
* Exchange 2010 Client Servers:
-> DAG Server name:
-> CAS/HT 1: ExchCAS01 - Windows 2008 (x64) R2 Server - running NetBackup 7.x
-> CAS/HT 2: ExchCAS02 - Windows 2008 (x64) R2 Server - running NetBackup 7.x
-> Mailbox 3: ExchMbx03 - Windows 2008 (x64) R2 Server - running NetBackup 7.x
-> Mailbox 4: ExchMbx04 - Windows 2008 (x64) R2 Server - running NetBackup 7.x
-> CAS Array: clientaccess - Windows Network Load-Balancing Server name
Note: The names listed above (including mailbox name) are generic names to be used solely for the examples used in this document.