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How to use the Microsoft Logical Disk Manager to move the NetBackup images database to another partition
Article: 100023881
Last Published: 2013-10-30
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection
How to use the Microsoft Logical Disk Manager to move the NetBackup images database to another partition
The following steps illustrate the steps in moving the NetBackup Image DB to an alternate volume. This method will use the mount option within the Microsoft Logical Disk Manager.
- Back up the NetBackup catalogs. See "Protecting the NetBackup catalog" in the Veritas NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
- This ensures that you can recover image information in case something is accidentally lost during the move.
- Check the Jobs tab in the NetBackup Activity Monitor and ensure that no backups or restores are running for the client.
- If jobs are running, either wait for them to end or stop them by using the Jobs tab in the NetBackup Activity Monitor.
- Use the Services tab in the NetBackup Activity Monitor to stop the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services.
- This prevents jobs from starting and the database from being modified while you are performing this procedure.
- Rename NetBackup DB directory...
- From: install_path\NetBackup\db
- To: install_path\NetBackup\db.orig
- Create a new folder install_path\NetBackup\db.
- This will be used for the mount point of the new volume.
- Start the Computer Management GUI and select Disk Management.
- This will identify all disks available to this computer. Identify the disk that will be used. In this Example it will be Disk 1. This is highlighted in Figure 1 below.
- Figure 1
- Highlight Disk 1 with mouse right-click and select "Change Drive Letter and Path..."
- This will bring up the change drive letter and path GUI as shown in Figure 2 below.
- Figure 2
- Select the Add button on the change drive letter and path GUI.
- This will launch the "Add New Drive letter or Path" GUI as shown in Figure 3:
- Figure 3
- Select the Mount in the NTFS folder and insert the path for the NetBackup Image DB as identified in step number 5. Then select OK.
- If NetBackup services are running under Local Service account context, then execute nbserviceusercmd command to correct the permissions.
- Example:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\nbserviceusercmd.exe -addAcl -all -force -reason “Updating ACLs after moving db directory to new volume”
- Note: To check if NetBackup services are running under Local Service account context, refer ‘SERVICE_USER’ key in NetBackup configuration.
- Example:
- Move all files and directories from original DB directory to new DB directory.
- Example:
- From:
- To:
- From:
- Example:
- Start the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services by using the Services tab in the NetBackup Activity Monitor. Backups and restores can now resume.