Due to a backup error one tape drive will no longer run jobs and cannot be released normally. Additionally, critical jobs are running, hence the nbrbutil -resetAll command cannot be used, as this would cause them to fail.
Error Message
Attempted options to release or reset allocations may result in errors, as seen in the examples below.
root@nbumaster $ nbrbutil -releaseDrive IBM.ULT3580-TD4.026
No allocation for drive IBM.ULT3580-TD4.026 found
root@nbumaster $ nbrbutil -resetMediaServer bkmedia
resetMediaServerResources() returned status=2000001
root@nbumaster $ nbrbutil -releaseOrphanedDrive 2002084
Could not find drive key 2002084 on the list of orphaned drives.
A hung MdsAllocation cannot be cleared without manual operation via nbrbutil command from the master server.
root@nbumaster $ nbrbutil -dump |grep bkmedia
MdsAllocation: allocationKey=3522942 jobType=1 mediaKey=4003996 mediaId=2A0700 driveKey=2002084 driveName=IBM.ULT3580-TD4.026 drivePath=/dev/rmt18.1 stuName= masterServerName=NBU_Mas_P1_DCCBJ mediaServerName=bkmedia ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=1 serverStateFlags=3
Note: The directory path to the nbrbutil command is...
Unix/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
Windows: <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
To clear the hung allocation without using the "-resetAll" (reset allocations) parameter:
nbrbutil -releaseMDS <MDS_allocationKey>
Example, using the <MDS_allocationKey> is 3522942 for this case:
nbrbutil -releaseMDS 3522942