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Article: 100023225
Last Published: 2024-12-10
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Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation
Understanding and Configuring Veritas Authentication Service for LDAP based authentication
Understanding LDAP Required Entries in VRTSatlocal.conf
· Location of VRTSatlocal.conf
· /
var/VRTSat/.VRTSat/profile (in UNIX & Linux)
C:\Prpgram Files\VERITAS\Security\Authentication\systemprofile (in Windows 64-bit)
C:\Prpgram Files (x86)\VERITAS\Security\Authentication\systemprofile (in Windows 32-bit)
VRTSatLocal.conf file must contain the following section:
Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\DomainInfos\ldap\ DomainName]
Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\DomainInfos\ldap\ DomainName]
DomainName is the name of the LDAP domain you are using.
For example:
Each DomainInfos section should include the following information:
All of the optional fields have default values set in the main
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap] section. If you want these defaults to be overridden for a particular domain, set the new value in the section for that domain. Setting a new value for one domain does not affect the values for another.
(Required) Defines the LDAP server.
serverName can be a host name, fully-qualified host name, or IP address of the LDAP server.
For example:
(Required) Contains the LDAP distinguished name (DN) of the group container for the intended LDAP domain.
For example:
(Required) Contains the LDAP distinguished name (DN) for the user container for the intended LDAP domain.
For example:
(Optional) Name of the LDAP Object class which describes how groups within a domain are to be stored in LDAP. The default is
"posixGroup". If you override the default here, the new value will affect only this specific domain.
(Optional) Name of the LDAP Object class which describes how users/people in the domain are to be stored in LDAP. The default is
"posixAccount". If you override the default here, the new value will affect only this specific domain.
(Optional) Name of the attribute within the group object class which used to store the group name. The default is
"cn". If you override the default here, the new value will affect only this specific domain.
(Optional) Name of the attribute within the user object class which used to store the unique user identifier. The default is
"uid". If you override the default here, the new value will affect only this specific domain.
(Optional) Name of the attribute within the group object class which used to store the group ID. The default is
"gidNumber". If you override the default here, the new value will affect only this specific domain.
(Optional) Name of the attribute within the user object class which used to store the group IDs of the groups the user belongs to. The default is
"gidNumber". If you override the default here, the new value will affect only this specific domain.
VRTSatLocal.conf file must contain the following section:
Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\ServerInfos\ ServerName]
Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\ServerInfos\ ServerName]
This section must include:
Indicates whether the local host is the default LDAP server.
o Local host is the default LDAP server-
o Local host is not the default LDAP server-
Defines the LDAP directory server URL.
Defines whether SSL is enabled between the LDAP plugin and the LDAP server.
o SSL is turned on-
o SSL is turned off-
The LDAP plugin only supports SSL server authentication.
Indicates that server-only SSL is being used. (In the future, mutually authenticated SSL will be supported.)
Indicates whether the CA-trusted certificate chain is present. Valid only when
SSLEnabled is on (
o CA-trusted certificate chain is present-
o CA-trusted certificate chain is not present-
Configuring VRTSat for LDAP-based Authentication
1. Please get the following information of an LDAP Server:
· FQDN of LDAP Server: ______________________________________
· IP Address of LDAP Server: ______________________________________
· Is it in DNS?
· Is there any Firewall between the LDAP Server & system running VRTSat?
· A proxy user,
AdminUser (a.k.a,
bind-user), with access privilege to browse the LDAP's search tree.
2. From any system with LDAP client software, execute '
ldapsearch' command to find out whether useful LDAP information for
any LDAP user can be retrieved from the LDAP Server, say , by LDAP's
AdminUser, say
ccs-qa, used in
# ldapsearch -L -h -p 389 -D "cn=ccs-qa,ou=ApplicationUsers,o=foo" -w b7r8fjy -b "ou=internal,o=foo" "uid=e120662"
version: 1
dn: uid=E120662,ou=People,ou=NA,ou=internal,o=foo
uid: E120662
givenName: John
sn: Harris
o: Foo International
objectClass: Top
objectClass: Person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: hworgperson
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
cn: Hiris,Dan
Determine the starting point of LDAP queries on the LDAP server.
# ldapsearch -v -h -b '' -s base '(objectlass=*)' NamingContext
ldapsearch: started Wed Apr 29 14:09:49 2009
ldap_init(, 389 )
filter pattern: (objectlass=*)
returning: NamingContext
filter is: (objectlass=*)
ldapsearch: ignoring LDAP response message type 0x61 (bind result)
Determine the top level organization units, using namingContext, (say dc=veritas,dc=com), derived in the above step 2, on the LDAP server.
# ldapsearch -h -b “dc=veritas,dc=com” -s subtree '(objectclass=organizationalunit)'
ou=Groups, dc=veritas,dc=com
ou=People, dc=veritas,dc=com
5. List all the users in the LDAP server,
# ldapsearch -x -h -b dc=example,dc=com
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
base <dc=example,dc=com> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL
dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
objectClass: top
dc: example
# Manager,
dn: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: Manager
dn: ou=Marketing,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Marketing
Jane Doe, Marketing,
dn: cn=Jane Doe,ou=Marketing,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: Jane Doe
givenName: Jane
sn: Doe
uid: jdoe
telephoneNumber: 3453321
roomNumber: T33
Troubleshooting the queries on the LDAP server:
· the LDAP server is unreachable
· the LDAP port is not reachable
· the proxy user,
AdminUser (a.k.a,
bind-user), is not authorized to browse the LDAP's search tree.
7. Assume that VRTSat is already installed and will use LDAP-based authentication on a broker domain, say, FOOLDAP.
# cd /opt/VRTSat/bin
# ./vssat showversion
vssat version:
# ./vssat showallbrokerdomains ( Does FOOLDAP exist?)
./vssat addbrokerdomain --domain ldap:FOOLDAP --broker
(Note: LDAPserverName: in this example)
# ./vssat showallbrokerdomains ( Does AOLLDAP exist now?)
8. Stop vxatd before manually modifying VRTSatlocal.conf file.
# /etc/init.d/vxatd stop (UNIX/LINUX) (net stop vrtsat (in Windows))
# cd /var/VRTSat/.VRTSat/profile
# rm VRTSatlocal.conf.lock
9. Ensure that the client system is running VRTSat with Root Broker (RB) and Authentication Broker (AB).
# /opt/VRTSat/bin/vxatd -a -r
# cp VRTSatlocal.conf VRTSatlocal.conf-orig
10. You can configure VRTSat for LDAP-based authentication in two ways:
Using 'addldapdomain' option of the vssat command
Manually modifying VRTSatlocal.conf
11. Configure VRTSat using 'addldapdomain' option of the vssat command in VRTSat 4.4 or above:
# /etc/init.d/vxatd stop
# /opt/VRTSat/bin/vssat showversion
/opt/VRTSat/bin/vssat addldapdomain --domainname FOOLDAP --server_url ldap:// --user_base_dn cn= ccs-qa,o=Foo --group_base_dn “dc=groups,o=Foo --schema_type rfc2307
Another Example,
/opt/VRTSat/bin/vssat addldapdomain --domainname FOOLDAP --server_url ldap:// --user_base_dn ou=people,dc=foo,dc=com --group_base_dn “dc=group,dc=foo,dc=com -schema_type rfc2307
· Please edit VRTSatlocal.conf, and change
· Please restart vxatd: /etc/init.d/vxatd start
· To authenticate an LDAP user, say e120662, via LDAP , please do:
/opt/VRTSat/bin/vssat authenticate --domain ldap: FOOLDAP
--prplname e120662
12. Method II: Configure VRTSat manually for LDAP-based authentication.
# /etc/init.d/vxatd stop (In UNIX/LINUX)
net stop vrtsat (In Windows)
# /opt/VRTSat/bin/vssat showversion
An Excerpt of VRTSatlocal.conf for LDAP-based Authentication
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker]
"DebugLevel"= dword:00000004
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins]
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap]
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\AuthMechanisms]
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\AuthMechanisms\Simple]
"AdminUserPassword"=" ****"
"UserBaseDN"=" ou=internal,o=foo"
"GroupBaseDN"=" ou=group,ou=internal,o=foo"
"AdminUser"=" cn=ccs-qa,ou=ApplicationUsers,o=foo"
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\ServerInfos]
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\ServerInfos\]
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\DomainInfos]
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\DomainInfos\ldap]
[Security\Authentication\Authentication Broker\AtPlugins\ldap\DomainInfos\ldap\ FOOLDAP]
· Please restart vxatd:
o /etc/init.d/vxatd start (in UNIX/LINUX)
o net start vrtsat (in Windows)
· To authenticate an LDAP user, say e126626, via LDAP , please do:
/opt/VRTSat/bin/vssat authenticate --domain ldap: FOOLDAP
--prplname e120662
Troubleshooting Failure of Authentication for an LDAP-based user using VRTSat
· Please collect the data and examine the log file:
o /var/VRTSat/vxatd.log (UNIX/LINUX)
o C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Security\Authentication\bin\vxatd.log (WINDOWS)
o VRTSatlocal.conf
o Outputs of
o vssat showversion
o vssat showcred
o vssat showallbrokerdomains
An Example Output of ldapsearch Command for an LDAP User by Common Name (cn)
[root@mtv2850-01 LDAP_LAB]#
/usr/bin/ldapsearch -vLx -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(cn=Foo Smith)"
version: 1
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=example,dc=com> with scope subtree
# filter: (cn=Foo Smith)
# requesting: ALL
# Foo Smith, Marketing,
dn: cn=Foo Smith,ou=Marketing,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Foo Smith
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: Foo
sn: Smith
homePostalAddress: 14 San Carlos Street
l: San Jose
st: CA
postalCode: 95124
telephoneNumber: (408)555-1238
uid: fsmith
userPassword:: bXlzZWNyZXQ=
seeAlso: dc=www,dc=example,dc=com
# search result
# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
An Example Output of ldapsearch Command for an LDAP User by Surname (sn)
[root@mtv2850-01 LDAP_LAB ]# /usr/bin/ldapsearch -vLx -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(sn=Smith)"
version: 1
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=example,dc=com> with scope subtree
# filter: (sn=Smith)
# requesting: ALL
# Jay Smith, Engineering,
dn: cn=Jay Smith,ou=Engineering,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: Jay Smith
givenName: Jay
sn: Smith
telephoneNumber: 3452332
roomNumber: E23
# Foo Smith, Marketing,
dn: cn=Foo Smith,ou=Marketing,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Foo Smith
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: Foo
sn: Smith
homePostalAddress: 14 San Carlos Street
l: San Jose
st: CA
postalCode: 95124
telephoneNumber: (408)555-1238
uid: fsmith
userPassword:: bXlzZWNyZXQ=
seeAlso: dc=www,dc=example,dc=com
# search result
# numResponses: 3
# numEntries: 2