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After archiving items in Enterprise Vault (EV) 8.0 and above, items are still in Pending State after the Backup cleared the Archive bits.
Article: 100020302
Last Published: 2021-09-22
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
After archiving items in Enterprise Vault (EV) 8.0, items are still in Pending State after the Backup cleared the Archive bits.
In EV 2007 and below, archived items would be 'post processed' after a backup occurs on the storage device. This is handled by the StorageFileWatch process automatically. Once an item's archive bit has been reset, an update is made to the JournalArchive Table of the Vault Storage Database to set the referenced item's BackupComplete status to 1(True).
In EV 8.0, due to changes in the Storage process that greatly improves the Single Instance Storage (SIS) of items and the Backup process (8.0 now utilizes Powershell to toggle the backup mode), the StorageFileWatch process no longer exclusively watches the storage location(s) to monitor the archive bit. The Storage File Watch process does not mark a Saveset as being BackupComplete until all of its SIS Parts have been secured.
The FileWatch thread is now designed to ensure that the SIS Parts of each Saveset in the Watch File Thread's Partition are Secure.
Any Saveset whose SISParts are all secure may then be checked and the previous Watch File processes applied (BackupComplete is updated to 1/True).
In EV 8.0, it is required for EV to confirm the items have been 'Secured' (backed up). This is done by confirming that the archive bit attribute for the items have been reset AND the Vault Stores have been placed in a Backup Mode and taken out of Backup Mode. When taken out of Backup Mode, the File Watch process will identify the SISParts that no longer have an Archive bit set and confirm that these items have been secured, which will begin the post process to set the referenced items from Pending to Shortcut.
Note: Alternatively, restarting the EV Storage Service will manually start the StorageFileWatch process and confirm the items as secured.
In EV 8.0, due to changes in the Storage process that greatly improves the Single Instance Storage (SIS) of items and the Backup process (8.0 now utilizes Powershell to toggle the backup mode), the StorageFileWatch process no longer exclusively watches the storage location(s) to monitor the archive bit. The Storage File Watch process does not mark a Saveset as being BackupComplete until all of its SIS Parts have been secured.
The FileWatch thread is now designed to ensure that the SIS Parts of each Saveset in the Watch File Thread's Partition are Secure.
Any Saveset whose SISParts are all secure may then be checked and the previous Watch File processes applied (BackupComplete is updated to 1/True).
In EV 8.0, it is required for EV to confirm the items have been 'Secured' (backed up). This is done by confirming that the archive bit attribute for the items have been reset AND the Vault Stores have been placed in a Backup Mode and taken out of Backup Mode. When taken out of Backup Mode, the File Watch process will identify the SISParts that no longer have an Archive bit set and confirm that these items have been secured, which will begin the post process to set the referenced items from Pending to Shortcut.
Note: Alternatively, restarting the EV Storage Service will manually start the StorageFileWatch process and confirm the items as secured.