How to Enable or Disable Enterprise Vault Client Add-on Toolbar buttons in Outlook

Article: 100020144
Last Published: 2015-01-12
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


How to Enable or Disable Enterprise Vault (EV) Client Add-on Toolbar buttons in Outlook


Some use cases may be require to restrict certain EV operations from being accessible within the Outlook Client Add-in.  It is possible to hide any of the EV buttons in the Tools menu and /or the Toolbar in Outlook through the Exchange Desktop Mailbox Policy as detailed in the steps below:

Enterprise Vault 10 and preceding
  1. Open the Vault Admin Console
  2. Expand the following: Enterprise Vault | Directory on <EV Server> | <Site Name> | Policies | Exchange | Desktop
  3. Double click on the relevant Policy to edit
  4. Select the Options tab
  5. Note there are 2 columns; "Enabled" and "On Toolbar".   The "Enable" option must be checked for any feature that users should use.  Checking this allows for a check on the "On Toolbar" option.  If the "On Toolbar" option is not checked, then users typically can access the functions through a right-click context menu on an individual item in Outlook.  As such; both options must be checked for the buttons to appear. 
  6. Below are all features that can be edited for  button creation:
           Store In Vault
           Restore From Vault
           Search Vault
           Archive Explorer
           Delete from Vault
           Cancel Operation
           Expiry Report (Outlook only)
           Help (OWA & Outlook 2010 only)

See notes below, as a synchronization must occur to make any changes take effect. 

Enterprise Vault 11 and After

With the advent of Enterprise Vault 11, the search.asp and archiveexplorerui.asp features have been merged into EV Search, and thus the selectable features in the desktop policy have changed.  
  1. Open the Vault Admin Console
  2. Expand the following: Enterprise Vault | Directory on <EV Server> | <Site Name> | Policies | Exchange | Desktop
  3. Double click on the relevant Policy to edit
  4. Select the Options tab
  5. Note there are 2 columns; "Enabled" and "On Toolbar".   The "Enable" option must be checked for any feature that users should use.  Checking this allows for a check on the "On Toolbar" option.  If the "On Toolbar" option is not checked, then users typically can access the functions through a right-click context menu on an individual item in Outlook.  As such; both options must be checked for the buttons to appear in an Outlook client. 
  6. Below are all features that can be edited for  button creation:
           Store In Vault
           Restore From Vault
           Search Vault
           Delete from Vault
           Cancel Operation
           Expiry Report (Outlook only)
           Help (OWA & Outlook 2010 only)

See notes below, as a synchronization must occur to make any changes take effect. 

With the Delete from Vault button visible, the following must be considered:

1. Users can delete items from their archives option needs to be set on the site level (Properties of the site, Archive Settings)
2. The following settings in the policy:
        a. Soft Deletes ( On or Off)
        b. Shortcut deletion behavior (Shortcut Only, Both deleted or Ask user)

   a.  If changes are made to the Policy, a Synchronization of the mailbox(s) must be performed and Outlook must be restarted for changes to take effect.
   b.  If Outlook is in Cached Mode, an update to the OST must be performed in order to have the changes made to the online mailbox be updated to the OST copy.

How to Synchronize a mailbox

  1. Expand the following: Enterprise Vault | Directory on <EV Server> | Enterprise Vault Servers | <EV Server Name> | Tasks.
  2. Right click on each Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task and select Properties
  3. Click the Synchronization tab
  4. Select either All mailboxes or Selected mailboxes and click Synchronize
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for other Archiving tasks




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