Destination ports required by Enterprise Vault

Article: 100018942
Last Published: 2023-03-15
Ratings: 8 6
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Destination ports required by Enterprise Vault


Server Destination ports Comments
Exchange Server 135 for RPC, 80, 443 for OWA RPC discovery. (DCOM). The returned port numbers to use will be above 1024 TCP.
Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway 8080 TCP for HTTP, 443 TCP for HTTPS, 1352 TCP for Notes RPC DWA, Lotus Notes
Domino mail server 1352 TCP for Notes RPC Lotus Notes
NTFS file server 139 TCP, 445 TCP CIFS and Microsoft DS.
Enterprise Vault Web Server 80 TCP for HTTP, 443 TCP for HTTPS Client access and web search.
SQL Server 1433 TCP Microsoft SQL.
Centera 3218  
Enterprise Vault server

135 TCP, 2101, 2103, 2105 RPC for MSMQ, 1801 UDP, 3527 UDP and TCP.

808 TCP

5114 (Enterprise Vault 10.0 and later.)

RPC discovery is port 135. (DCOM). The returned port numbers to use will be above 1024 TCP. Ports 2101, 2103, and 2105 are incremented by 11 if the initial choice is in use when Message Queuing initializes.

Port 808 for Microsoft Net.TCP Port Sharing Service.

Port 5114 is the official Enterprise Vault services port.

On all Enterprise Vault servers you need to open the normal ports that are required for authentication within a Windows domain. For example, Kerberos (port 88), DNS (port 53 UDP), Active Directory (port 445).

Enterprise Vault servers and the servers with which they communicate may require other ports to be open, depending on the functionality that you require.

For additional ports required for Compliance Accelerator (CA) / Vertas Advanced Supervision (VAS) or Discovery Accelerator (DA), see the CA or DA Installation Guide's Appendix A for the version installed in the environment.  To obtain the version specific documentation. see Article 100040095.

See Related Documents below for information on configuring Enterprise Vault for restricted DCOM access.

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