How to modify the configuration files after moving the Compliance Accelerator or Discovery Accelerator databases to different SQL server

Article: 100018148
Last Published: 2022-11-25
Ratings: 8 2
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


How to modify the configuration files after moving the Compliance Accelerator or Discovery Accelerator databases from a Microsoft SQL Server / Microsoft SQL Server instance to another Microsoft SQL Server / Microsoft SQL Server instance of a different name or a different TCP Port.


The Enterprise Vault (EV) Compliance Accelerator (CA) and Discovery Accelerator (DA) products both use databases to contain information used by and obtain in the environment.  Those databases are:
  • A configuration database.  CA and DA require their own configuration database.  CA cannot use a DA configuration database and DA cannot use a CA configuration database.
  • At least one customer database.  Both CA and DA can have multiple customer databases, but at least one is required for the environment.
  • DA can also have a special customer database knows as a Custodian Manager database.
When the configuration databases for any version of CA or DA need to be moved to a different SQL Server (see the  Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts for a listing of supported SQL Server versions), there are

specific files that need to be edited to replace the name of the original SQL Server (and instance and/or port) with the new SQL Server name (and instance and/or port). These files are located in the Accelerator server's installation folder, typically at \Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator.

The files are:

- AcceleratorManager.exe.config
- AcceleratorManagerConsole.exe.config
- AcceleratorService.exe.config
- AcceleratorService64.exe.config
- ADSynchroniser.exe.config
- AnalyticsConversationAnalyserTask.exe.config
- AnalyticsIngesterTask.exe.config
- AnalyticsServerApp.exe.config
- ImportExport.exe.config

Note: Not all files may be present nor may need to be edited, depending on the product (CA or DA) and version. Review each file for the SQL Server name (and instance and/or port) and, if found, replace each occurrence with the new SQL Server name (and instance and/or port).

If Veritas Advanced Supervision (VAS) is installed and used with CA, the following file(s) located in the SupervisionAPI folder under the installation folder also needs to be edited:

- web.config

When Enhanced Reporting is configured in Compliance Accelerator, you must update the following setting file of the SQL server for the Enhanced Reporting endpoints to work:

  • File location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator\Veritas Enhanced Reporting\EnhancedReporting.DataAPI\appsettings.json
  • File properties to update:
    • DataSource: The name of the SQL server or SQL Server instance
    • InitialCatalog: The name of Veritas Surveillance (formerly Veritas Advanced Supervision)/Compliance Accelerator (CA) Configuration Database

When Intelligent Review is configured in Compliance Accelerator, the following files contain a database connection string stored against the 'ConfigDBConnection' property. You must update these files to point to the Compliance Accelerator configuration database:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator\Veritas Intelligent Review\IR.ModelBuilderService\appsettings.json
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator\Veritas Intelligent Review\IR.ClassifierService\appsettings.json
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator\Veritas Intelligent Review\IR.APIEndPoint\appsettings.json
For additional information related to database moves, see the following articles in the Related Articles section:
  • Discovery Accelerator EV event log errors 34 and 429 after SQL database migration
  • Journaling Stops when using the Journal Connector and how to properly configure the Journal Connector.
  • How to move Discovery Accelerator and Analytics databases
  • How to move Compliance Accelerator (CA) or Discovery Accelerator (DA) databases.
  • Enterprise Vault Compatibility List


Two methods exist for updating the appropriate files when a SQL Server name / instance / port change occurs.  Method 1 is the preferred method with Method 2 provided in the event Method 1 fails or is not allowed by internal policies.
  • Method 1 is to uninstall and re-install CA / DA.
  • Method 2 is to manually edit the appropriate files on the EV / CA / DA servers.
Be sure a current, good back up exists of the CA or DA databases and the CA or DA installation in the event a recovery is needed.

Special Note:

Starting with CA and DA 12.0.0, SQL Always-On is supported.  A CA or DA 11.0.x installation must first be upgraded to version 12.0.0 or greater before the Accelerator databases can be moved to a SQL Always-On installation and configured for Always-On support.  The basic steps to configure a database for Always-On are to (a) backup the database, (b) add the database to the AlwaysOn High Availability | Availability Groups | Availability Databases in the SQL Server Management Studio, than (c) edit the relevant Accelerator database connections; this should be performed by the onsite SQL team.  Once the upgrade is complete and the databases have been configured for Always-On support, follow the steps below and wherever a database connection is mentioned, replace the appropriate SQL server name or IP address with the Always-On listener name or IP address.

Method 1: Uninstall and re-install CA / DA
  1. Log onto the CA / DA server as the Vault Service Account (VSA).
  2. Stop the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service (EVAMS) on the CA / DA server.
  3. On the SQL Server hosting the CA / DA databases, backup the CA / DA configuration and all customer databases (including the Custodian Manager customer database if it exists in DA) using an account that has sufficient permissions to backup those databases (the VSA should have sufficient permissions).
  4. Move to or restore the databases on the new SQL Server or SQL Instance.  Note that this step can be skipped if just changing the TCP Port number used by SQL Server.
  5. On the CA / DA server, open the AcceleratorManager.exe.config file using a text editor (ex., Notepad) and note the name of the CA / DA configuration database (ex., EVConfiguration) before closing the editor.
  6. Uninstall CA / DA.
  7. When the uninstall has completed, check for the installation folder presence on the server and either rename or delete it if it still exists.
  8. Also, check the registry for the presence of the CA or DA registry keys in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\KVS key and either rename or delete it and all of its sub-keys.
  9. Restart the server to clear it's memory of any left over information of the CA / DA installation.
  10. When the server restart completes, log in as the VSA.
  11. Install CA / DA.
  12. After the CA / DA installation of the binary files completes, access the EVBAAdmin site using Internet Explorer.
  13. The EVBAAdmin site will first display the page to create a new or use an existing configuration database.  Choose the option to use the existing configuration database by
    1. Entering the name of the new SQL Server / SQL Instance / SQL Server TCP Port (ex., for SQL Server named EVSQL using an instance named CADBs and TCP Port number 14554, the SQL server name field entry would be EVSQL\CADBs,1455)
    2. Enter the name of the configuration database noted in Step 5.
    3. Click on the Use Existing Database: check box to place a check mark in it.
    4. Click the OK button
    5. When prompted, restart EVAMS.
  14. After EVAMS has completed its restart, click the OK button in the EVBAAdmin page to open the EVBAAdmin site.
  15. For each customer listed in the left panel:
    1. Right click on the customer name.
    2. Select the Properties option to access the customer properties page.
    3. In the customer properties page that will appear:
      1. Change the name of the SQL Server \ instance to be the new SQL Server \ instance \ Port name / number.
      2. Click the OK button to save the change.
  16. When all customers have had their SQL Server information changed, close the web browser.
  17. Restart EVAMS again.
For all CA Versions 10.x and 11.0.0 in addition to the above steps:
  1. Log onto the EV server as the Vault Service Account (VSA).
  2. Stop all Journal Archiving tasks on all EV Journaling Archiving servers.
  3. Uninstall the CA Journaling Connector.
  4. Re-install the CA Journaling Connector.  When prompted, enter the name \ instance : TCP Port number where the CA configuration database is hosted and enter the CA configuration database name.
  5. After the CA Journaling Connector re-installation has finished successfully, start the EV Journal Archiving task(s).
For all CA Versions 11.0.1 and higher, see below.

Method 2: Manually edit the appropriate files on the EV / CA / DA servers

To configure the Accelerator application to start using its databases on the new Microsoft SQL Server / Microsoft SQL Server instance, edit the files noted above on the Accelerator server prior to starting the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager service (EVAMS) on that server using the following steps:
1. Open Windows Explorer on the server where the Accelerator application is installed .
2. Go to the Compliance Accelerator / Discovery Accelerator installation folder (default location noted in Cause section above).
3. Open the AcceleratorManager.exe.config file for editing.
4. Find the line with the old Microsoft SQL Server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance name.
For files AcceleratorManager.exe.config, AcceleratorManagerConsole.exe.config, AcceleratorService.exe.config, ADSynchroniser.exe.config, AnalyticsConversationAnalyserTask.exe.config, AnalyticsIngesterTask.exe.config, and AnalyticsServerApp.exe.config, the line is -
<add key="DSNConfiguration" value="server='SQLServer';Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog='EVConfigurationDatabaseName';Connection Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=30;Max Pool Size=200" />
For file ImportExport.exe.config, the line is -
<add key="DSNConfiguration" value="server='SQLServer';Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog='EVConfigurationDatabaseName';Connection Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=30;Max Pool Size=200" />
where 'SQLServer' is the name of the old Microsoft SQL Server and 'EVConfigurationDatabaseName' is the name of the configuration database for the Accelerator application (default name is EVAccelerator).
Note: If Microsoft SQL Server instances are used, the Microsoft SQL Server instance will be identified in each line with the format of "SQLServer\InstanceName', where 'InstanceName' is the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance.  Also, if a specific port has already been configured for the Microsoft SQL Server access, that port number will be noted with a comma followed by the port number after the SQL Server or SQL Server instance name (i.e., 'SQLServer,1600' or 'SQLServer\SQLInstance,1600').
5. If changing names, replace the old Microsoft SQL Server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance name with the new Microsoft SQL Server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance name.  If adding a TCP Port, add a comma followed by the TCP Port number after the Microsoft SQL Server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance name.  If changing the TCP Port, replace the old port number with the new port number.
Note: There should only be 1 line containing the Microsoft SQL Server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance in each file.
6. Save and close the file.
7. Repeat Sub-steps 1. through 6. for the AcceleratorManagerConsole.exe.config, AcceleratorService.exe.config, ADSynchroniser.exe.config, AnalyticsConversationAnalyserTask.exe.config, AnalyticsIngesterTask.exe.config, and AnalyticsServerApp.exe.config, and ImportExport.exe.config files.  If VAS is installed, include the web.config file in the SupervisionAPI folder.
8. Modify the following in the CA or DA Configuration database. Replace the original SQL_NetBios server name with the new SQL_NetBios server name.
Table Name Column Value
tblCustomer Server New_SQL_NetBiosName
Open SQL Query Analyzer and run the following query separately against each Configuration database that has been moved.  Replace bold items with the correct server name values:
UPDATE tblCustomer SET Server = ' New_SQL_NetBiosName ' WHERE Server = ' Old_ SQL_NetBiosName '
For CA versions 10.x through 11.0.0 (the Journal Connector is no longer used starting with CA version 11.0.1 - see below):

If the Journal Connector is installed on an Enterprise Vault Server that is running a Journal Task, modify the JournalTask.exe.config or EVLotusDominoJournalTask.exe.config file as follows:
1. Open Windows Explorer on each Enterprise Vault server where the Journal Connector is installed .
2. Go to the Enterprise Vault installation folder.
3. Open the JournalTask.exe.config or EVLotusDominoJournalTask.exe.config file for editing.
4. Find the two lines with the old Microsoft SQL Server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance name.
The lines are -
<add key="DSNConfiguration" value="server='SQLServer';Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog='EVConfigurationDatabaseName';Connection Timeout=500" />
<add key="DirectoryDSN" value="packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=SQLServer;persist security info=False;initial catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory" />
where 'SQLServer' is the name of the old Microsoft SQL Server and 'EVConfigurationDatabaseName' is the name of the configuration database for the Accelerator application (default name is EVAccelerator).

NOTE 1: If Microsoft SQL Server instances are used, the Microsoft SQL Server instance will be identified in each line as "SQLServer\InstanceName', where 'InstanceName' is the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance.  Also, if a specific port has already been configured for the Microsoft SQL Server access, that port number will be noted with a comma followed by the port number after the SQL Server or SQL Server instance name (i.e., 'SQLServer,1600' or 'SQLServer\SQLInstance,1600').

NOTE 2: The following line is used by Compliance Accelerator 5.x and does not need to be modified for Compliance Accelerator 6 or greater
<add key='DSN" value="server=EVServer;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=evaccelerator;Connection Timeout=500" />
5. Replace the old Microsoft SQL server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance name / TCP Port number with the new Microsoft SQL server name / Microsoft SQL Server instance name / TCP Port number.

NOTE 3: There should only be 2 lines containing the Microsoft SQL server name or Microsoft SQL Server instance name in the file which need to be modified.
6. Save and close the file.
7. Restart all Journal Tasks on the Enterprise Vault server.


For all CA Versions 11.0.1 and higher in addition to the above steps:
The Tagging process has been moved to the EV Storage service for versions 11.0.1 and higher. The starting point for obtaining Tagging information is to start with the CA Configuration databae for the list of CA Customers. The Configuration database name and SQL server DSN servicing the CA Configuration database is stored in the EnterpriseVaultDirectoty database in the AcceleratorConfigEntry table. Clearing this table and restarting the EVAMS after alll changes have been made will repopulate the table with the updated SQL server DSN.
Here are the steps:
  1. Log onto the EV Storage server(s) as the Vault Service Account (VSA).
  2. Stop the Storage service on all EV Storage servers.
  3. Log on to the CA server as the VSA.
  4. Stop the EVAMS.
  5. Open SQL Server Management Studio with an account having permissions to edit database contents, such as an account with system administrator rights.
  6. Open a new query against the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database and execute the following query:

    DELETE FROM EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.AcceleratorConfigEntry;
  7. Start the Storage service on all EV Storage servers.
  8. Start the EVAMS on the CA server.


Additional Information

If the databases have been moved to a newer version of SQL Server, the database compatibility level should be changed to match the SQL Server version.  For example. if the databases have been moved from a SQL Server 2000 machine to a SQL Server 2005 machine, the compatibility level should be changed from "SQL Server 2000 (80)" to "SQL Server 2005 (90)".  Likewise, if the databases have been moved to a SQL Server 2008 machine, the compatibility level should be changed to "SQL Server 2008 (100)".  The compatibility level can be found and changed in the Properties of the database, on the Options page.


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