How to verify that the IIS Web servers ASP (Scripting) and ASPX (ASP.NET) functionality is working.

Article: 100017973
Last Published: 2014-07-21
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


There may be a need to independently test the IIS server ASP and ASPX functionality. ASP or "Active Server Pages" is a scripting language used by Enterprise Vault.  IIS must have ASP "allowed" within the IIS Web Service Extension so that Enterprise Vault scripts can be executed.  ASPX files are the files used by the ASP.NET Framework. The ASPX files need to have ASP.NET allowed in IIS under the Web Service Extension.

Error Message

HTTP error 404 - File or directory not found


Part I

Verify that the " Active Server Pages" and " ASP.NET" are allowed within IIS.
     1. Open Windows IIS manager
a. Click on Start | Programs | Administrative Tools |
b. Click on Internet Information Services Manager.
2. Click on Web Service Extensions.
3. In the right pane verify that the Active Server Pages are Allowed.

Figure (1)

Part II

To test the IIS ASP script execution is working properly:

1. Open notepad and copy and paste the code between "Start copy below" and "End copy above" into notepad.
Start copy below.
It is currently <%= Time() %> on <%= Date() %>.<BR>
End copy above.

2. Save the file as DateTime.asp into the "<INSTALL_PATH>\Enterprise Vault\WebApp" directory.
3. Open a Web browser and direct the browser to https://PLACE_VAULT_SERVER_NAME_HERE/EnterpriseVault/DateTime.asp.
4. Provide vault service account credentials.
5. The current date and time should be displayed.
6. If an error is returned from the Web server then the Web server configuration should be investigated.
Figure (2) displays the output after the ASP script is successfully executed.
Figure (2)

Part III

To test the IIS ASP.NET script execution is working properly:

1. Open notepad and copy and paste the code between "Start copy below" and "End copy above" into notepad.
Start copy below.
<h1>The date is <% Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString())%>
  End copy Above

2. Save the file as "DateTime.aspx" into the "<INSTALL_PATH>\Enterprise Vault\WebApp" directory.
3. Open a Web browser and direct the browser to "https://PLACE_VAULT_SERVER_NAME_HERE/EnterpriseVault/DateTime.aspx".
4. Provide vault service account credentials.
5. The current date and time should be displayed.
6. If an error is returned from the Web server then the Web server configuration should be investigated.

Figure (3) displays the output after the ASP.NET script is successfully executed.
Figure (3)



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