How to change the job log location in Backup Exec using BEUtility

Article: 100017953
Last Published: 2019-04-09
Ratings: 0 2
Product(s): Backup Exec


How to change the job log location in Backup Exec using BEUtility


Default location for Job logs and Catalogs can be changed using BEutility.exe for Backup Exec.  The following steps need to be performed to change the existing job log location from the BEutility.

1. From Windows Explorer, go to the Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\  or Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\ folder and open BEutility.exe. 
Click Yes when prompted.
2  Click on "All Backup Exec Servers" under Known Computers.
3. Right-click on the Backup Exec server name and select " Set Job Log and Catalog Locations " as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1:

4  Select the first check box, " Change job log location" and click on B rowse and set the new location.
   Select the second check box, " Change Catalog  location" and click on B rowse and set the new location.
Figure 2:


5  When Backup exec is prompted to restart the services, click on " Y es".

6   After restating the services ,open the Backup Exec Console and click on Configuration and Settings and then click on Backup Exec settings.
   For Verifying Job log Location :  Click on Job Logs under BE  Settings.
   For Verifying Catalog Location : Click on the Catalogs under BE  Settings.

Figure 3:


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