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Article: 100017798
Last Published: 2022-02-23
Ratings: 3 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation
How to add a low or high priority heartbeat link to LLT without rebooting the nodes.
The following steps configure a heartbeat (HB) link using the lltconfig command on a running cluster. The command can be used to create a high or low-priority heartbeat link on an existing network interface card (NIC).
The /etc/llttab file can then be edited for a persistent configuration after future reboots. This method saves from performing a reboot.
Example of current /etc/llttab configuration and lltstat -nvv output:
# cat /etc/llttab
set-node node1
set-cluster 555
link eth1eth-00:0C:29:0F:B6:E8 - ether - -
link eth2 eth-00:0C:29:0F:B6:F2 - ether --
# lltstat -nvv
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
* 1 node1 OPEN
eth1 UP 00:0C:29:0F:B6:E8
eth2 UP 00:0C:29:0F:B6:F2
2 node2 OPEN
eth1 UP 00:0C:29:AC:3F:BF
eth2 UP 00:0C:29:AC:3F:C9
Example of creating a low-priority HB line on the "public" NIC:
# lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -l
Warning: If the -l is omitted, the HB link will be a high-priority link.
After the first node is configured, the lltstat -nvv output will show the added heartbeat:
Example of current /etc/llttab configuration and lltstat -nvv output:
# cat /etc/llttab
set-node node1
set-cluster 555
link eth1eth-00:0C:29:0F:B6:E8 - ether - -
link eth2 eth-00:0C:29:0F:B6:F2 - ether --
# lltstat -nvv
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
* 1 node1 OPEN
eth1 UP 00:0C:29:0F:B6:E8
eth2 UP 00:0C:29:0F:B6:F2
2 node2 OPEN
eth1 UP 00:0C:29:AC:3F:BF
eth2 UP 00:0C:29:AC:3F:C9
Example of creating a low-priority HB line on the "public" NIC:
# lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -l
Warning: If the -l is omitted, the HB link will be a high-priority link.
After the first node is configured, the lltstat -nvv output will show the added heartbeat:
# lltstat -nvv
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
* 1 node1 OPEN
eth1 UP00:0C:29:0F:B6:E8
eth2 UP00:0C:29:0F:B6:F2
eth0 UP00:0C:29:0F:B6:DE
2 node2 OPEN
eth1 UP00:0C:29:AC:3F:BF
eth2 UP00:0C:29:AC:3F:C9
Repeat the command on the second node.
# lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -l
The lltstat -nvv output showing the second node linked.
# lltstat -nvv
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
1 node1 OPEN
eth1 UP00:0C:29:0F:B6:E8
eth2 UP00:0C:29:0F:B6:F2
eth0 UP00:0C:29:0F:B6:DE
* 2 node2 OPEN
eth1 UP00:0C:29:AC:3F:BF
eth2 UP00:0C:29:AC:3F:C9
eth0 UP00:0C:29:AC:3F:B5
Repeat the step to configure the heartbeat link for each additional node in the cluster.
Delete a heartbeat
In order to delete a heartbeat, first make sure there are two other heartbeats running, otherwise a jeopardy condition will exist. Jeopardy condition means VCS will not perform failover functions in an event of a fault.
# lltconfig -u [devtag]
In most cases, the devtag is the same as the network interface used for the heartbeat, e.g.