Oracle RMAN PROXY restore from cataloged snapshot fails to match the existing piece name

Article: 100011524
Last Published: 2014-01-14
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


An Oracle RMAN PROXY backup was taken using a snapshot that was mounted and read by an off-host alternate client.

The image is cataloged in NetBackup and can be listed, but a restore from the image reports that not all of the backupset pieces can be found and fails with status 5.

Error Message

The dbclient debug log from the restore shows the query to determine which image contains the needed backupset piece that Oracle wants.  The querying is using the correct date range and client name.  Notice that the Oracle server process performing the restore is running as user=oracle group=oinstall.


16:56:07.456 [27668] <2> sbtpcrestore: INF - entering


16:56:07.457 [27668] <2> int_GetBfsDateRange: INF - RMAN file name = bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287


16:56:07.470 [27668] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 12

16:56:07.470 [27668] <2> bsa_bplist: start_date = Mon Jan  6 02:31:27 2014

16:56:07.470 [27668] <2> bsa_bplist: end_date = Wed Jan  8 02:31:27 2014

16:56:07.470 [27668] <2> bsa_bplist: Request = oracle oinstall myclient myclient myclient NONE 0  3 999 1388997087 1389169887 4 4 1 0 1 0 4 1015 503 3 0 C C C C C 0 2 0 0 0

16:56:07.470 [27668] <4> bsa_bplist: Filepath = /


The image information, returned from the master server, for the backup should contain pairs of rows, first one for the physical file name followed by one for the logical backupset piece name.  Notice that file system01.dbf is correctly paired with piece /bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287.  None of these files or pieces are for user=oracle or group=oinstall, but all of them are readable other/world which is why they were returned.  However, the three preceding piece names lack file names.  The physical file name for some of the later piece names is also missing.  The master server reports status 0 indicating that it returned all file information matching the search criteria.


16:56:07.711 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...         1     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /PROXY_FI_BACKUP

16:56:07.711 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  53002297     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p1_t836188287

16:56:07.711 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  59289711     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p22_t836188287

16:56:07.711 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  64307365     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p30_t836188287

16:56:07.711 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  64307369  14004  1 -rw-r--r-- 1015  504   1912610816 ... /db/sys001/oradata/SID/system01.dbf

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  68042971     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  68042975  14001  1 -rw-r--r-- 1015  504    419438592 ... /db/idx001/oradata/SID/tax_ndx1_01.dbf

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  68862225     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p47_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  68862227  14001  1 -rw-r--r-- 1015  504    246677504 ... /db/idx001/oradata/SID/efl_ctrl_ndx01.dbf

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69344053     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p52_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69344057  14000  1 -rw-r--r-- 1015  504    136323072 ... /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2006_tbl01.dbf

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69610347     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p59_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69610349  14000  1 -rw-r--r-- 1015  504    104865792 ... /db/dat001/oradata/SID/audh_tbl01.dbf

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69815199     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p68_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69917651     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p75_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69979143     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p79_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  69989435     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p85_t836188287

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...         1     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /PROXY_FI_BACKUP

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...         7  14000  1 -rw-r--r-- 1015  504    18944008K ... /db/dat001/oradata/SID/trn2007_tbl01.dbf

16:56:07.712 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output =  ...  37888057     -1  9 -r--r--r-- root  root           0 ... /bk_myid_s6717_p6_t836188287


16:56:07.781 [27668] <2> dbc_get_string: Output = EXIT STATUS 0


The missing file information for the 3 preceding pieces causes the rows for file system01.dbf and piece bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287 to not be read as a pair and they are discarded.  This prevents the returned rows from being a valid match for the piece requested by RMAN, and the restore fails.


16:56:10.092 [27668] <4> bsa_QueryFile: INF - None of the objects returned matched the query file: /bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287

16:56:10.092 [27668] <2> xbsa_QueryObject: INF - leaving (17)

16:56:10.092 [27668] <2> int_FindBackupImage: INF - bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287 not found

16:56:10.092 [27668] <2> int_FindBackupImage: INF - leaving

16:56:10.093 [27668] <16> int_AddToFileList: ERR - Backup file <bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287> not found in NetBackup catalog

16:56:10.093 [27668] <2> sbtpcrestore: INF - leaving


16:56:10.093 [27668] <2> sbterror: INF - Error=7502: Backup file <bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287> not found in NetBackup catalog

16:56:10.446 [27668] <2> sbtpcend: INF - entering


16:56:10.446 [27668] <2> sbtpcend: INF - --- end of proxy copy restore ---



The bplist output using the same search criteria, excluding owning user and group, confirms that physical files are cataloged for all 10 of the pieces.  For some reason, the top 3 and bottom 3 are not being returned to dbclient.  Notice the mix of owning group and modes, they are not consistent.  Also, the UID and GIDs are stored where a user or group name would normally be stored.


$ bplist -C myclient -t 4 -k mypolicy -X -s 1389074400 -e 1389099600 -l -R /


-rw-r----- 1015 503  26501128K Dec 01 2012  /db/dat001/oradata/SID/trn2011_tbl_01.dbf

-rw-r----- 1015 503   3143688K Dec 01 2012  /db/idx002/oradata/SID/trn2011_ndx2_01.dbf

-rw-r----- 1015 503   2508808K Jan 28 2011  /db/idx003/oradata/SID/trn2009_ndx3_01.dbf

-rw-r--r-- 1015 504 1912610816 Jan 07 02:30 /db/sys001/oradata/SID/system01.dbf

-rw-r--r-- 1015 504  419438592 Jan 07 02:30 /db/idx001/oradata/SID/tax_ndx1_01.dbf

-rw-r--r-- 1015 504  246677504 Jan 07 02:30 /db/idx001/oradata/SID/efl_ctrl_ndx01.dbf

-rw-r--r-- 1015 504  136323072 Jan 28 2011  /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2006_tbl01.dbf

-rw-r--r-- 1015 504  104865792 Jan 07 02:30 /db/dat001/oradata/SID/audh_tbl01.dbf

-rw-r----- 1015 503   52436992 Jan 28 2011  /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2008_tbl_01.dbf

-rw-r----- 1015 503   31465472 Jan 28 2011  /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2008_ndx_01.dbf

-rw-r----- 1015 503    5251072 Jan 02 09:47 /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2014_tbl01.dbf



The cat_convert output for the backup image shows that there are physical file names for each backupset piece correctly cataloged.  Notice the ownership and modes match the bplist output above.


$ cat_convert -dump mypolicy_1389083745_FULL.f

num     ...     data


1       ...     /db/dat001/oradata/SID/trn2011_tbl_01.dbf       33184 1015 503 1367351296 1389083487 1354349341 1354349341

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p1_t836188287    292 root root 0 1389086993 1389086993 1389086993


2       ...     /db/idx002/oradata/SID/trn2011_ndx2_01.dbf      33184 1015 503 2145394688 1389083489 1354349341 1354349341

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p22_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087435 1389087435 1389087435


3       ...     /db/idx003/oradata/SID/trn2009_ndx3_01.dbf      33184 1015 503 1495277568 1389083489 1296233339 1296233339

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p30_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087741 1389087741 1389087741


4       ...     /db/sys001/oradata/SID/system01.dbf     33188 1015 504 1912610816 1389083490 1389083425 1389083425

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p38_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087917 1389087917 1389087917


5       ...     /db/idx001/oradata/SID/tax_ndx1_01.dbf  33188 1015 504 419438592 1389083490 1389083425 1389083425

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p47_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087928 1389087928 1389087928


6       ...     /db/idx001/oradata/SID/efl_ctrl_ndx01.dbf       33188 1015 504 246677504 1389083490 1389083425 1389083425

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p52_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087936 1389087936 1389087936


7       ...     /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2006_tbl01.dbf        33188 1015 504 136323072 1389083490 1296233326 1296233326

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p59_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087940 1389087940 1389087940


8       ...     /db/dat001/oradata/SID/audh_tbl01.dbf   33188 1015 504 104865792 1389083490 1389083425 1389083425

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p68_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087946 1389087946 1389087946


9       ...     /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2008_tbl_01.dbf       33184 1015 503 52436992 1389083490 1296233338 1296233338

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p75_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087948 1389087948 1389087948


10      ...     /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2008_ndx_01.dbf       33184 1015 503 31465472 1389083491 1296233338 1296233338

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p79_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087949 1389087949 1389087949


11      ...     /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2014_tbl01.dbf        33184 1015 503 5251072 1389083491 1388677676 1388677676

0       ...     /bk_myid_s6717_p85_t836188287   292 root root 0 1389087950 1389087950 1389087950



The file system information (ls –l) from the source client, which is also the destination client, matches the image catalog, but with the UID and GIDs mapped correctly to names.


-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   dba       136323072 Jan 12 13:53 /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2006_tbl01.dbf

-rw-r-----   1 oracle   oinstall   31465472 Jan 12 13:53 /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2008_ndx_01.dbf

-rw-r-----   1 oracle   oinstall   52436992 Jan 12 13:53 /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2008_tbl_01.dbf

-rw-r-----   1 oracle   oinstall    5251072 Jan 12 13:53 /db/dat001/oradata/SID/aud2014_tbl01.dbf

-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   dba       104865792 Jan 12 13:53 /db/dat001/oradata/SID/audh_tbl01.dbf

-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   dba       246677504 Jan 12 13:53 /db/idx001/oradata/SID/efl_ctrl_ndx01.dbf

-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   dba       419438592 Jan 12 13:53 /db/idx001/oradata/SID/tax_ndx1_01.dbf

-rw-r-----   1 oracle   oinstall 3219136512 Jan 12 13:53 /db/idx002/oradata/SID/trn2011_ndx2_01.dbf

-rw-r-----   1 oracle   oinstall 2569019392 Jan 12 13:53 /db/idx003/oradata/SID/trn2009_ndx3_01.dbf

-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   dba      1912610816 Jan 12 13:53 /db/sys001/oradata/SID/system01.dbf



The bppllist output for the backup policy shows that the backup policy is using an alternate client which is reading the files from disk and providing the meta data for each file to the media and master servers.  That host is not able to resolve UID=1015 to oracle, nor GIDs 504 and 503 to dba and oinstall respectively. 


Policy Name:       mypolicy


Policy Type:       Oracle (4)

Active:            yes

Perform Snapshot Backup:   yes

Perform Offhost Backup:    yes


Use Alternate Client:      yes

Alternate Client Name:     myAltClient


Enable Instant Recovery:   no


Client/HW/OS/Pri:  myclient Solaris Solaris9 0 0 0 0 ?



For Oracle RMAN PROXY backups, Oracle provides a list of the files to be backed up and then a backupset piece name to be associated with each file.  The NetBackup dbclient and bpbkar processes coordinate to ensure that both the physical (file name) and the logical (piece name) are cataloged and available at restore time.  The cataloged information also includes user, group, and modes for each physical file and the user, group, and modes associated with the Oracle server process performing the backup.


At restore time, the user and group of the Oracle server process performing the restore are compared to the cataloged values to ensure that the requesting process is authorized to restore the possibly sensitive data that was backed up.


Where possible, NetBackup resolves the UID and GID to user and group names and uses them for comparison, if resolution is not possible, the raw IDs are used.


There are two inconsistencies present on the hosts performing this backup and restore.


  • The files to be backed up have a mix of group ownership and modes.  Process running as group 503 can restore all the files, but group 504 can only restore some of the files.


  • The files were cataloged at backup time using user 1015 and group 504 or 503 because the alternate client (myAltClient) cannot resolve the UID and GIDs associated with the files to oracle, dba, and oinstall respectively.

As a result the restore process running as user=oracle and group=oinstall only has access to the files that are other/world readable and therefore fails because it cannot access the files with modes of 0640 and owned by user=1015 and group=503.



Always ensure that the process that is performing the backup or restore, in this case the Oracle server process that is loading dbclient, has the correct permissions to access the files.


To prevent this situation from affecting future backups make at least one, and preferably both of the following changes.


1) Ensure all the files to be backed up have modes that allow read access to other/world, or at least have consistent modes and ownership so they are all processed in the same way.  


2) Ensure that the backup client, alternate client, and restore client hosts can resolve the UIDs and GIDs associated with the files and the Oracle server process to the same user and group names.   This topic is covered in the last bullet on page 150 of the NetBackup 7.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide:


Configuration requirements for snapshot backups with NetBackup for Oracle


  • The user identification and group identification numbers (UIDs and GIDs) associated with the files to be backed up must be available to both the primary client and the alternate backup client. The UID on the primary client and the alternate backup client must be the same. Similarly, the GID on the primary client and the alternate backup client must be the same.


The inconsistent nature of the currently existing backup images is not correctible and any restore of these older images will need to run with the correct user and/or group to access the files as previously preserved by the backup.


Applies To

NetBackup 7.1, but could affect any version

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