EV Outlook Profiles count and deletion tool

Article: 100011502
Last Published: 2019-01-25
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Enterprise Vault creates multiple Outlook profiles to connect its archiving agents to Exchange. Ordinarily EV is supposed to do housekeeping on these profiles, but sometimes a substantial number of them can build up and cause MAPI errors. It is then necessary to delete all these profiles and let EV recreate them.


Deleting a large number of profiles from the Control Panel GUI is tedious, and batch deleting them via RegEdit is problematic if you want to keep any non-EV profiles you have configured.


The attached PowerShell script will count and list all the EV Outlook profiles on the machine and optionally delete them. Run the script from a PowerShell prompt on the EV server as shown:


The script takes the following optional parameters:

Parameter Alias Description
-Delete -d Deletes the profiles after logging them
-All -a Logs all profiles instead of just EV profiles (and deletes them, if –d is also specified)
-LogDirectory [filepath] -o Specifies a custom path for the log file (default is the PowerShell working directory)

When using the -Delete parameter, the EV Task Controller Service should be stopped beforehand.



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