V-297-92 - How to change the staging location for the files required to create the Backup Exec SDR disk image to resolve disk space or rights errors.

Article: 100011310
Last Published: 2018-05-01
Ratings: 0 2
Product(s): Backup Exec


How to change the staging location for the files required to create the Backup Exec Simplified Disaster Recovery (SDR) disk image to resolve disk space or rights errors.

UMI: V-297-92 / V-297-246

Error Message

V-297-92 / V-297-246: Not enough disk space available at the staging location:

V-297-246: Cannot mount the Windows PE image. You may have insufficient privileges for the staging location:


A problem occurs when the current staging location does not have enough space or if the user has insufficient privileges for the staging location. At least 5 GB of free space is required to stage the files that are required to create the Simplified Disaster Recovery (SDR) disk image.

Backup Exec by default uses '%Temp%' path for staging. Staging path is the path used for temporary collecting required files for SDR ISO file creation. These temporary files are deleted once the ISO is created.


To resolve the issue, create a registry key with a new value for the staging path as follows:

Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Be careful when you make changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried out by persons who are experienced in the use of registry editor application.  Veritas recommends that you run a complete backup of the registry and workstation before you the change the registry.

  1. To change the path for the staging location from the default C: drive to another partition, create the following registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\IDR
  2. Create a new String Value with name Staging Path
  3. Specify the new path in Value Data.

E.g. D:\SDR-Staging

  1. Make sure the Backup Exec Service account has Full control rights on the new staging path.
  1. Run the Create Simplified Disaster Recovery Disk wizard again.



The staging path requires at least 5 GB of free space. In case if the Backup Exec server does not have enough space, please use this workaround.

Run the Backup Exec installer on another Windows server and install Simplified Disaster Recovery (SDR) Disk Creation Wizard.

Once installed, Run the SDR disk creation wizard and choose the Backup Exec server and follow instruction to create SDR disk ISO.


UMI : V-297-92 UMI : V-297-246

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