How to interpret the different fields in "nbstlutil list" output in 8.x, 9.x and 10.x?
The nbstlutil command can be found in
- /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd (UNIX)
- <install_path>\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd (Windows)
nbstlutil list -backupid <backupID> shows information about the specified backupID taken from the EMM database.
- The -U command line switch presents this data in a "user-friendly" format.
- The -l switch provides a "compact" output where data is presented on a single line in a more easily parsable format.
Without a switch, -l is implied:
# nbstlutil list
V7.6.0 I MASTERSERVER nbclient1_1386088762 nbclient1 1386088762 POLICY_NAME 0 0 SLP_NAME 3 false 0 *NULL* 1 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 0 0 1386088763
V7.6.0 C MASTERSERVER nbclient1_1386088762 1 1387298362 1387298362 stu_hcart2-robot-tld-0 5 68 0 0 0 *NULL* 1387298362 1386088865 1387298362 0 0 0 1 1
V7.6.0 F MASTERSERVER nbclient1_1386088762 1 1 0 E01009 MEDIASERVER *NULL* 2 1 1 102432768 0 E00123 *NULL* *NULL*
V7.6.0 C MASTERSERVER nbclient1_1386088762 2 1387298362 1387298362 stu_advdisk 5 71 0 0 1 *NULL* 1387298362 1386089859 1387298362 2 1 0 1 2
V7.6.0 F MASTERSERVER nbclient1_1386088762 2 1 2 @aaaab MEDIASERVER *NULL* 0 6 1 102432768 0 @aaaab *NULL* 1;AdvancedDisk;MEDIASERVER;DISKPOOL;Z:\;0
The different fields in the IMAGE entry are:
Field | Field Header | Example | Description |
1 | Version | V7.6.0 | |
2 | Record Header | I | IMAGE |
3 | Master hostname | | |
4 | Backup ID | client_1234567890 | |
5 | Client hostname | client | |
6 | Backup time | 1234567890 | ctime value |
7 | Policy name | testpolicy | |
8 | Client type | 0 | |
9 | Schedule type | 0 | 0=FULL |
10 | Storage Service (Lifecycle) name | testcycle | |
11 | Storage Service (Lifecycle) State | 1 | 1=NOT_STARTED, 2=IN_PROCESS, 3=COMPLETE, 0=NOT_MANAGED |
12 | Time In Process | 0 | |
13 | Data Classification ID | "Platinum" or *NULL* | ID value corresponding to Data Classification selected |
14 | Version Number | 0 | (6.5.5 +) The version of the lifecycle being read for processing this image |
15 | Origin Master Server ID | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | |
16 | Import From Replica Time | 0 | |
17 | Required Expiration Date | 0 | |
18 | Created Date Time | 1234567891 |
The different fields in the COPY entry are:
Field | Field Header | Example | Description |
1 | Version | V7.6.0 | |
2 | Record Header | C | COPY |
3 | Master hostname | | |
4 | Backup ID | client_1234567890 | |
5 | Copy Number | 1 | |
6 | Expiration Time | 1234567890 | ctime value; this is no longer set to INFINITE for Copy Protection, but the COPY STATE controls this |
7 | Try to Keep time | 1234567890 | ctime value; this is no longer set to INFINITE for Copy Protection, but the COPY STATE controls this |
8 | Destination | my_adv_disk | Name of storage unit |
10 | Job ID | 1234 | |
11 | Expiration Type | 0 | 0=FIXED, 1=CAPACITY MANAGED, 2=EXPIRE_ON_DUP |
12 | Media Multiplexing State | 0 | Multiplexed copy? 0=No, 1=Yes |
13 | Source | 0 | |
14 | Destination ID | *NULL* | |
15 | Expire Time | 1234567891 | |
16 | Last Retry Time | 1234567891 | |
17 | Expire Time | 1234567891 | |
18 | Retry Count | 0 | |
20 | Replica | 0 | |
21 | Data Format | 1 | 1=DF_TAR, 2=SNAPSHOT |
22 | SLP Index | 1 |
The different fields in the FRAGMENT entry are:
Field | Field Header | Example | Description |
1 | Version | V7.6.0 | |
2 | Record Header | F | FRAGMENT |
3 | Master hostname | | |
4 | Backup ID | client_1234567890 | |
5 | Copy Number | 1 | |
6 | Fragment Number | 1 | |
7 | Resume Count | 0 | |
8 | Media ID | A00001 | The Media ID or BasicDisk disk path the backup was written to. All disk types other than BasicDisk will display a Media ID of the form "@xxxxx" |
9 | Media Server Name | | |
10 | Storage Server Name | | |
11 | Storage Unit Type | 2 | 0=DISK, 1=UNITREE, 2=RMEDIA, 3=NDMP, 4=FASTRAX, 5=CKPT, 6=DISKSTAGE |
12 | Storage Unit Sub-Type | 1 | 1=BASIC, 2=NEARSTORE, 3=SNAPVAULT, 4=unused, 5=unused, 6=STSDYNAMIC |
14 | Fragment Size | 131072 | Shown in bytes |
15 | Delete Header | 1 | |
16 | Fragment ID | A00001 | |
17 | Snap Mount Host | *NULL* | |
18 | Media Description | *NULL* | Can contain the snapshot information, or the Disk Pool information (helpful for Replication Director or other SLP Managed Snapshots) |
Here is an example of the -U output when using NetBackup 10.2:
# nbstlutil list -backupid nbmaster1_1376070449 -U
Master Server : MASTERSERVER
Backup ID : nbclient1_1386088762
Client : nbclient1
Backup Time : 1386088762 (Tue Dec 03 11:39:22 2013)
Client Type : 0
Schedule Type : 0
Storage Lifecycle Policy : SLP_NAME
Storage Lifecycle State : 3 (COMPLETE)
Storage Lifecycle Is Inactive : false
Time In Process : 0 (Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969)
Data Classification ID : (none specified)
Version Number : 1
OriginMasterServer : (none specified)
OriginMasterServerID : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Import From Replica Time : 0 (Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969)
Required Expiration Date : 0 (Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969)
Created Date Time : 1386088763 (Tue Dec 03 11:39:23 2013)
Master Server : MASTERSERVER
Backup ID : nbclient1_1386088762
Copy Number : 1
Copy Type : 0 (BACKUP)
Expire Time : 1387298362 (Tue Dec 17 11:39:22 2013)
Expire LC Time : 1387298362 (Tue Dec 17 11:39:22 2013)
Try To Keep Time : 1387298362 (Tue Dec 17 11:39:22 2013)
Residence : stu_hcart2-robot-tld-0
Copy State : 5 (COPYCOMPLETE)
Job ID : 68
Retention Type : 0 (FIXED)
MPX State : 0 (FALSE)
RetryCount : 0
Last Retry Time : 1386088865 (Tue Dec 03 11:41:05 2013)
Source : 0
Destination ID : (none specified)
Replica: : 0
DataFormat : 1 (DF_TAR)
SLP Index : 1
Master Server : MASTERSERVER
Backup ID : nbclient1_1386088762
Copy Number : 1
Fragment Number : 1
Resume Count : 0
Media ID : E00123
Media Server : MEDIASERVER
Storage Server : (none specified)
Media Type : 2 (RMEDIA)
Media Sub-Type : 1 (BASIC)
Fragment State : 1 (ACTIVE)
Fragment Size : 102432768
Delete Header : 0
Fragment ID : E00123
Snap MountHost : (none specified)
Media Description : (none specified)
Master Server : MASTERSERVER
Backup ID : nbclient1_1386088762
Copy Number : 2
Copy Type : 1 (DUPLICATE)
Expire Time : 1387298362 (Tue Dec 17 11:39:22 2013)
Expire LC Time : 1387298362 (Tue Dec 17 11:39:22 2013)
Try To Keep Time : 1387298362 (Tue Dec 17 11:39:22 2013)
Residence : stu_advdisk
Copy State : 5 (COPYCOMPLETE)
Job ID : 71
Retention Type : 0 (FIXED)
MPX State : 0 (FALSE)
RetryCount : 2
Last Retry Time : 1386089859 (Tue Dec 03 11:57:39 2013)
Source : 1
Destination ID : (none specified)
Replica: : 0
DataFormat : 1 (DF_TAR)
SLP Index : 2
Master Server : nbmaster1
Backup ID : nbclient1_1386088762
Copy Number : 2
Fragment Number : 1
Resume Count : 2
Media ID : @aaaab
Media Server : MEDIASERVER
Storage Server : (none specified)
Media Type : 0 (DISK)
Media Sub-Type : 6 (STSDYNAMIC)
Fragment State : 1 (ACTIVE)
Fragment Size : 102432768
Delete Header : 0
Fragment ID : @aaaab
Snap MountHost : (none specified)
Media Description : 1;AdvancedDisk;MEDIASERVER;DISKPOOL;Z:\;0