Drive(s) appears in Microsoft Windows Disk Management. but does not appear in Veritas System Recovery Console

Article: 100010295
Last Published: 2022-02-10
Ratings: 0 3
Product(s): System Recovery


A Drive(s) does not appear in the System Recovery Console but it does appear in Microsoft Windows Disk Management.

Error Message

Error EC8F1780: Cannot successfully reconcile changes since last session.
Error EC8F1771: Cannot enumerate the current drives on this system.Error E0BB0147: The operation 'Snap Volume' is not currently enabled for this Volume. (UMI:V-281-3215-6016)


This can be caused by VTrack not being registered correctly. Vtrack is the system driver responsible for tracking changes on the volume for incremental images. This replaces the Vdiff driver in previous builds.


To resolve this issue, verify if VTRACK is loaded and running:

  1. Open the Windows services console and check for service name SymTrackService. It should be status STARTED
  2. Browse to C:\Windows\System32, locate MSINFO32.exe. Right-mouse click and chose to run as Administrator. 
  3. In the System Information window,  expand SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT by clicking the + sign. 
  4. Highlight System Drivers, then locate VTRACK in the right pane. The status should be started


If either of the conditions in the previous steps are not met, attempt to repair VSR through Control Panel > Programs and Features. If that fails: 

  1. Browse to C:\Program Files\veritas\veritas System Recovery\Shared\Drivers\Driver\Vtrack_win2012, Vtrack_win8 or Vtrack_2k8 
  2. Locate VTrack.sys
  3. Copy (do not move) the file to C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers. If the file already exists, rename the original file to Vtrack.sys.old.
  4. Browse to C:\Program Files\veritas\veritas System Recovery\Shared\Drivers\Driver\Vtrack_win2012, Vtrack_win8 or Vtrack_2k8 
  5. Locate the file VTrack.inf. Right-mouse click on this file and choose install.
  6. When install finished, reboot the system to complete the installation process. (This is a mandatory part of the install process).

Applies To

Veritas System Recovery 18 and later

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