How to collect DLO Server\Desktop log file information needed by Technical Support for troubleshooting purposes
When troubleshooting an issue with DLO, it may be necessary to review diagnostic logs from the media server. The DLO Gather Utility simplifies this process by creating and compiling a compressed file (CAB) that includes various system log files that can be sent to technical support.
To collect log file information for troubleshooting :
1. Check all of the boxes in the Data to gather.
2. Use the default Output root directory (required) or specify an alternate one by clicking on browse.
3. Enter the case number (example 01234567).
4. If there are additional files required to be added to the compressed file then click on add or browse.
5. Click Gather.
6. Dlogather will execute
7. After the DLOgather Utility collects all of the log file information, you will have the option of viewing all of the data collected by the utility.
Click on view results to open the folder containing logs.
The files gathered contain detailed information regarding installation, diagnostics, and error reporting. Reviewing these logs prior to contacting technical support can reveal the source of the issue. If the solution is not evident based on the gathered logs, please have these logs available when contacting Technical support. The support technician may request an email containing the log files.
Mac clients store their logs here: