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V-79-0-29 GRT Backup of Hyper-V to disk storage fails with error "0x1d - The system cannot write to the specified device".
Article: 100008745
Last Published: 2018-04-28
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec
Unable to run GRT backup of Hyper-V to Backup to disk folder. Backup to tape works fine.
Error Message
0x1d - The system cannot write to the specified device.
Error writing file data.
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-0-29
Issues with the disk on which targeted Disk Storage is created.
Refer document : and Run B2D Test on the drive on which disk storage is created.
08:25:49 B2D Default Configuration
13/06/12 08:25:49 TRACE: Writing to file
13/06/12 08:27:25 TRACE: Reading from file
13/06/12 08:27:29 ===> FAILED - Unable to read test filed: (0x45d) The request could not be performed because of an I / O device error.
13/06/12 08:29:47 No write buffering B2D Configuration
13/06/12 08:29:47 TRACE: Writing to file
13/06/12 08:29:51 ===> FAILED - Unable to write to test file (0x45d) The request could not be performed because of an I / O device error. 13/06/12 08:29:58 B2D Default Configuration - FAILED - Unable to read test filed: (0x45d) The request could not be performed because of an I / O device error.
13/06/12 08:25:49 TRACE: Writing to file
13/06/12 08:27:25 TRACE: Reading from file
13/06/12 08:27:29 ===> FAILED - Unable to read test filed: (0x45d) The request could not be performed because of an I / O device error.
13/06/12 08:29:47 No write buffering B2D Configuration
13/06/12 08:29:47 TRACE: Writing to file
13/06/12 08:29:51 ===> FAILED - Unable to write to test file (0x45d) The request could not be performed because of an I / O device error. 13/06/12 08:29:58 B2D Default Configuration - FAILED - Unable to read test filed: (0x45d) The request could not be performed because of an I / O device error.
06/13/12 08:29:58 The test was unable to write or read the test
06/13/12 08:29:58 file. Backup and restore operations can be
06/13/12 08:29:58 IO intensive, and it appears that Backup Exec may
06/13/12 08:29:58 experience random IO failures when using this
06/13/12 08:29:58 appliance.
If the B2D test shows above error then run "chkdsk" on the disk through command prompt without any parameter and check for errors :
e.g. :
Errors in the uppercase table are corrected.
Errors in Volume Bitmap.
Windows has detected problems in the file system.
Run CHKDSK with the / F (fix) the problems. Fix
The disk errors should be fixed and B2D test should pass without indicating there are any issues.
CHKDSK should also be run and not show any errors on the disk on which disk the storage is created.
Related Knowledge Base Articles
UMI : v-79-0-29
Etrack : 0x1d