How to restore mailbox to PST file and troubleshoot error V-79-57344-964 0xe00003c4 - To redirect Exchange mailboxes to PST files, you must install Outlook 2003, 2007 or 2010

Article: 100008607
Last Published: 2021-04-23
Ratings: 0 2
Product(s): Backup Exec


Exchange PST restore job fails with error : V-79-57344-964 0xe00003c4 - To redirect Exchange mailboxes to PST files, you must install Outlook and the Backup Exec Agent for Windows on the server to which you want to redirect the restore. 

UMI Code: V-79-57344-964

This article explains how to restore an Exchange mailbox or Public folder item to a PST, a Microsoft Outlook data file, that is compatible with a supported Outlook client, using Backup Exec and the Agent for Microsoft Exchange.



  1. The Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Exchange must be present on the media server (an evaluation edition of BE and/or the agent can also be used), and the Remote Agent must be installed on the destination server to which the mailbox or public folder items are being restored to.
  2. In the restore job selections, the mailbox or public folder items must show as being available to restore. Databases cannot be redirected to PST.
  3. A supported Microsoft Outlook (32-bit only) must be installed on the destination server. Backup Exec 21.2 and later introduces new supported Outlook versions.  Refer to the "Exchange GRT restore to PST file" section of the  Backup Exec (SCL) Software Compatibility List
  4. If the backup is on Tape, Cloud or OST device, Backup Exec will stage the entire backup set to a local drive on the Media server, so please ensure that you have enough space on a local drive. Note: By default, the staging path is C:\temp. The path can be changed from the Backup Exec Settings-Granular Recovery Technology option- Restore setting.



  1. Install a supported Outlook (32-bit) and the Backup Exec Agent for Windows on the server to which you want to redirect the restore. Refer to the "Exchange GRT restore to PST file" section of the  Backup Exec (SCL) Software Compatibility List
  2. Highlight the Exchange server/ DAG from the Backup and Restore tab and click on Restore.
  1. Choose Microsoft Exchange then then click on Microsoft Exchange Messages.

  2. Click Next and choose the mail/mailbox/mailboxes/ or Public folder items to be restored. Click Next.

  3. Choose the second option Redirect data to a different Microsoft Exchange server or DAG and type the server name where the data will be restored to as a PST. In this case, if Microsoft Outlook is installed on the media server, type Localhost as the server name and choose an account that has admin rights on the server. Then click Next.

  4. Choose Redirect to PST and browse to show the path. Even if browsing to a different server, the path will be shown only as Drive Letter:\Folder name (D:\Temp). It will create a PST file on the server entered in the previous step. Click Next.

  5. Change the default name of the restore operation if desired, and click Next.
  6. Verify the Job Summary and click on Finish.
  7. Once the restore has completed, the PST files will be visible at the destination location that was specified in the restore Job.

    Note: Redirected restores of mailboxes or public folder items to a .PST, a Microsoft Outlook data file, that is compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2007, or 2010 can be performed. The maximum size of the restored .PST file is restricted to 20 GB. If the restore exceeds the size limit, the PST files are numbered consecutively. If the same Mailbox is restored multiple times, Backup Exec will create multiple copies of it with a number in brackets. e.g. (1) (2) (3) etc.

Note: Installing any version of Microsoft Outlook on the Backup Exec Appliance is not supported by Veritas.  To restore mailbox to PST using an Appliance, Microsoft Outlook,and Backup Exec agent must be installed on a remote server. In the Step 4 above, use the remote server name.


Applies To

  1. Microsoft Exchange 2007
  2. Microsoft Exchange 2010
  3. Microsoft Exchange 2013
  4. Microsoft Exchange 2016

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