Cannot synchronize Enterprise Vault Ev) Discovery Acceleratopr (DA) Custodian Manager with Active Directory.
Error Message
Message in the Synchronization Account table in Custodian Manager (see figure 1 below):
Warning: Account does not have Read Property and List Content permissions on the Deleted Objects container in Active Directory. Without these permissions, it is not possible to deactivate custodians and custodian groups whose Active Directory details have been moved to the Deleted Objects container.
figure 1
Event ID 561 in the Enterprise Vault Event Logs on the Accelerator server (see figure 2 below):
Account information for the domain ... doesn't have sufficient permission to access Deleted Objects.
figure 2
The account being used to synchronize with Active Directory does not have the proper permissions assigned.
The DA Installation Guide lists the specific steps required to add the necessary permissions as listed in the error under the section titled Assigning the required Active Directory permissions to the Custodian Manager synchronization account. Please see the DA Installation Guide as shipped with the product. Alternately, see the Enterprise Vault Product Documentation article in Related Articles below, select the article for your product version, select Discovery Accelerator, finally select the Installation Guide.